
Is it possible to visit NIAGARA FALLS without going into CANADA?

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We are interested in visiting NI AGRA FALLS , iS IT POSSIBLE TO visit the Falls without going into Canada and having to show Border Documents???????




  1. Just to add to Nikki's passport requirements info.

    If you are an American citizen of US nationality or posess permanent residence there (have a PR card), you do not need a passport yet to cross into Canada by LAND or SEA (ie. bus, car, train, boat, or walk). You will need a passport (or acceptable alternative like a NEXUS card) starting in June 2009.

    If you plan to fly into Canada, you do need a passport since SEP-2008. Flying probably does not apply to you in this case if you are in Niagara Falls, NY and want to go to Niagara Falls, ON. But I thought I would mention it for anyone else reading this question and may misinterpret Nikki's answer.

  2. yup, the US side has a nice state park where you can see the falls.  It's not as nice of a view but you still get to witness the fury that is Niagara Falls.

    You do know you only need peroof of citizenship (birth certificate for example) and government issued ID (driver's licence or military ID) to cross still right?  No passport needed until; June 2009. (just in case you weren't aware)

  3. yeah stay in niagara falls new york.  there isn't as much to do, but there is a park you can get right to the falls and see them up close and what not, there is an aquarium a casino and several parks and attractions.  

  4. Yes.  The American side is beautiful.  But the Canadian side is larger.

  5. Yes, the falls can be visited from the USA.

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