
Is it possible to walk or drive from alaska to russia?

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Is it possible to walk or drive from alaska to russia?




  1. Criss Angel can walk on water, just pull a Criss!!!

  2. No! Unless you can walk on water!

  3. Yes if U have an aquacar. I heard an aquacar caught fire on the Mississippi over by Dubuque. All that water and they couldn't put it out! WTF?!

  4. About ten years ago a group of people attempted to drive all the way from London, England to New York City (the channel tunnel was complete but not opened for business - they had special permission), unfortunately after many delays crossing the former Soviet Union they arrived at the Bering Strait too late, it had started to thaw and they had to abandon the idea.

    But it used to freeze over, although global warming makes it less likely to nowadays, coupled with cooling relationships with the Russian government it is unlikely such an opportunity will occur again.

  5. Not with all this global warming.

  6. Well if the Behring straits freeze over you could.    It's how the original Indians  came from Asia  to America.  

  7. I'm not sure about driving, but you can certainly walk it.

    The easiest way would be to wait on Little Diomede Island (part of Alaska) until there is sufficient sea ice to make the 4km crossing over to Big Diomede Island, which is part of Russia.

  8. Yes, you could drive across using...

    ...a boat.

  9. A globe or a map might do you some good.  

  10. pleaaaaase tell me this question is a joke

  11. No

  12. If you are dreaming, then yes.  DoOd!!  Google maps....

  13. something to do with water and man's inability to walk or drive on it.

  14. The Bering Strait is a sea strait between Alaska and Russia.

    You cannot walk or drive across it. There are no plans for a bridge.

    Here are two excellent pictures illustrating that:



    Maybe someday. Probably not.

    Suggestions have been made for the construction of a bridge,

    the Bering Strait bridge, between Alaska and Siberia.

    An alternative connection would be a tunnel underneath the strait,

    the TKM-World Link being the most recent such proposal.

    The construction of such a bridge or tunnel would face unprecedented

    engineering, political, and financial challenges, and to date,

    no government has authorized the start of any planning or construction.

    During the Cold War, the Bering Strait marked the border between the United States and the Soviet Union. The island of Big Diomede in the USSR was (and is) only 4 km (2.4 mi) from the island of Little Diomede in the USA.

    Traditionally, the indigenous peoples in the area had frequently crossed the border

    back and forth for "routine visits, seasonal festivals and subsistence trade",

    but were prevented from doing so during the Cold War.

    In 1987, American swimmer Lynne Cox symbolically helped ease tensions

    between the two countries by swimming across the border,

    and was congratulated jointly by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev.

  15. The bering strait, the ice/land mass that native americans used to get the Americas, melted thousands of  years ago. So no one can travel between russia and alaska.

  16. ? no?

  17. yea you should definitely try it.

  18. ....


  19. why take difficulties.just fly there in a plane or set a sail

  20. No, the two continents are separated by the Bering Strait.

  21. There have been 2 people who have walked on water. The first ever was Jesus Christ. In the modern era Chris Angel did it. look at those names carefully. see the connection? they both have to do with God and Heaven. chris ANGEL. So that leads me to another theory. 2 in fact. 1) this is solid proof that Christianity is the way to go. 2) you have to be of holy status to walk on water. Now driving is a different story. You see my friend, if you try to drive on water, your screwed. so your gonna have to swim. good luck!

  22. Chuck Norris could do this.  

  23. hello pinky;

    let me ponder.. emmmm.

  24. It once was. The assumption is that people got to this hemisphere by walking here. In the source is an animation about building a bridge across the straight.

  25. When global warming causes a reverse effect and the oceans freeze it will be. You might be able to drive your car on to an ice burg in the northern extremes of alaska and float to russia......But in all honesty there is no physical land connection between the two continents.  

  26. I agree with ynot because I seem to remember that in recent history there was a freeze that allowed a vehicle and a pedestrian to walk / drive between U.S.A. and Russia , not saying mainland to mainland but  technicaly in a political sense it happened .

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