
Is it possible to watch Pre-season NFL games live?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a HUGE Cowboys fan..the problem is i live in New York and when they aren't playing any one on the east coast i never get to see it. Is there anyway to watch the Pre-Season games online? I know you can with regular season.




  1. NFL Network... Watching it now...  If you have Directv its channel 212!

    Go Cowboys!!!

  2. I'd help you if you were an Eagles fan.  

  3. Try

  4. The question is if you can watch them online.

    You can go to and ask can i watch NFL games online and a bunch of things will come up but the only thing is that you have to download so kinda software or pay like 20 bucks. But you can also watch them on NFL network like that one person said. but if you have comcast you have to pay for it, but on verizon and direct TV have it for free. NFL network isn't on Cable TV.

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