
Is it possible to wear contacts and be a professional fighter?

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Is it possible to wear contacts and be a professional fighter?




  1. well actually you need pass pass some medical examinations (physical, blood, eyes) to acquired your license and an optometrist needs to clear you as far as having the acceptable standards for eyesight...I don't use contacts and can see just fine, but when I took my eye exam, I missed a couple of letters and just because of that, the Dr. was hesitant about signing the paperwork.  If your eyesight is to the point where you need contacts, then I doubt the doctor will clear you to fight, well unless you have some cash on you maybe.  I don't think a fighter would want to wear contacts in the cage or ring anyway...those things will pop out, move around, or break with the hits you'd be taking.

  2. Yes, I know people pesonally that are professional fighters and wear contacts.

  3. yeah of course!! i wear contacs and i've opened my eyes underwater, people smoke around me, doesnt effect anything

  4. cant really say

    i know i wear glasses

    take them off before i start training, and i have no problem dodging punches and such

    no problem seeing moves get demonstrated

    but i cant drive without them

  5. Yes. Karo Parisian wears contacts.

  6. I dont know about pro's, but Im a shaolin martial artist who has competed in san shou , grappling, and even a few point karate tourneys. We also spar really hard in class. Im a contact lense wearer, and my vision is horrible without them. Ive been tagged in the eye and knocked them loose, i had to keep blinking to get the contact back in place during the fights, its a huge disadvantage, I fight as an amatuer, but as a pro, I would get the lasik if you realyl wanna be a fighter, but you gotta be 25 to do it. I hate it so much , d**n genetics!

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