
Is it possible to win a chess game with...?

by  |  earlier

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- a king and two knights


- a king and two bishops


- a king, a bishop, and a knight

of course, the opposing player would only have his or her king.

three answers please (:




  1. K+N+N yes it is possible if your opponent is a complete idiot.  Realistically, no.

    K+B+B yes

    K+B+N yes, again you opponent must be helpful, though not a complete idiot.  He may have no choice.  If he can run to the corner the opposite color as what the Bishop is on, no.  If he is stupid, or is cut off, yes.

    That is assuming a bare king.:)

    Oddly enough a pawn for your opponent, if not near  promotion, actually makes the K+N+N a win even if he is a genius.

  2. 1. King and two Knights vs Lone King: Impossible to force if the player with the lone King plays a perfect defensive game. The two Knights don't coordinate well enough, and the King will always have an escape square to slip to, eventually being able to obtain a draw by the 50 move rule. (If 50 moves occur without a capture or a pawn move, then either side may claim a draw).  Also, the Knights and the King may corner the lone King in a stalemate position.

    2. King and 2 Bishops vs Lone King: Easily and frequently done. The Bishops trap the King in the corner along one of the long diagonals, the other Bishop the opposite colored diagonal right beside it. The (same color as the Bishops) King is near the corner with the other King cutting off his escape (remember there must always be at least one empty square between the two kings.)

    3. King, Knight & Bishop vs. Lone King: Very possible checkmate that must be practiced as it is one of the most difficult ones to get down. Process involves first forcing the King toward the edge of the board, then, while keeping the Kings in opposition, using a combination of Bishop checks, Knight checks, and using the Bishop to prevent retreat, forcing the King toward the corner that is the same color square as the color of the Bishop's square. A Knight check forces the King onto the corner square, and moving the Bishop onto the long diagonal delivers mate.

  3. 1 ki and 2 kn=yes

    here is an e.g.-opp. king at the corner of the board (a1), kn at b3 and kn at c3 and king at c2

    1 king and 2 bi= yes

    here is an example-opp king at corner (a1), bi at c3 and bi at c4 and king in c1

    king and bishop and knight= yes

    here is an e'g'-opp king b1, bi d3, kn b3 and king at a3

    all these are possible way to win and what's more the are practical, they CAN happen

    if you want the prev moves to get into this, then don't fret to email me!

  4. 1. The rules are simply stated.  With a King and Two Knights vs King(and no other pieces on board), there is NO winning move.

    You can NOT force your opponent into checkmate, only into stalemate.

    So, NO you can not win with A King and Two Knights. (You can if your opponent has just a King and a pawn though)

    It is actually called the "Two Knights Endgame"

    2. Yes this is possible

    3.  Yes, the Bishop and knight checkmate.

  5. yes you can win

    keep a knight for attacking and 1 for defence

    keep a bishop for attacking and 1 for defence

    keep a bishp for defence and knight to attack

  6. of course

    u could plan a bishop plan or satnd ur king 1 square in front of his then if he puts his king in check u atomaticly win

  7. The only combinations against a lone king that have absolutely no possibility to produce checkmate is:

    1) a king with only a knight

    2) a king with only a bishop

    If you have wound up with one of those two combinations, the game is officially over - the game is a draw due to insufficient material on either side to deliver checkmate!

    All other endgame combinations have the ability to produce checkmate. So the answer to all three of your questions is an absolute YES!

    I wouldn't say it would be easy with the two knights, but it is not impossible.

    If the enemy king is in one corner, for example, the square a1, your king may be on b3, one knight on d2, and move your other knight to c2 for the kill- checkmate!

  8. 2 knights: No. There is a mating position in the corner, but you can't force it.

    2 Bishops: Yes, you herd the king into the corner and mate there.

    Knight and bishop: yes, but it's quite difficult to force. Again the strategy is to herd the king into the corner, but it has to be the corner of the bishop's colour.

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