
Is it possible to write a batch program, or multiple batch programs on your desktop, to clean your PC...?

by  |  earlier

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Is it possible to write a batch program, or multiple batch programs on your desktop, to clean your PC...

ya know, somthing like,

echo off


CD C:\Users\private\AppData\Roaming\Microso


del C:\Users\private\AppData\Roaming\Microso

ft\Windows\cookies\ /q



echo All Your Cookies Are Now Clean, ...

echo ........

echo ........

echo ........



Umm, is there any other directories that I need to know about...?

Any Help at all would be much appreaciated...

I really need some help, ...




  1. You can write batch files to clean up your computer, yes, but not all the files that you would like to get rid of will be available for deleting because some of them will be in use.  Such files include index.dat files.  If you want to delete these, you either have to use a program that can clean them (usually on restart) or add a command (or commands) to your autoexec.bat file to delete them as the computer starts up.

    Simpler is to use a free program like Ccleaner and/or the inbuilt deletion tools.  Ccleaner will delete index.dat files as the computer starts up.

    If you want to do it yourself, the "temp" and "temporary internet files" folders for each user need to be emptied.  Also, MRU lists (Most Recently Used) should be deleted.  That can be a big one to deal with because they can be found in the Documents menu and inside programs such as Microsoft Word, Paint, etc.  I think dealing with MRUs means dealing with the registry.

    It depends in part on what you are trying to deal with and why.  I suggest you at least download and install something like Ccleaner to see what things are dealt with - one reason for deleting a lot of the information that gets deleted is to stop the information being harvested.

    Hope that is some help.

  2. I know this doesn't directly answer your question, but it may help you anyway.

    Have you looked at  ...

    Start >> All Programs >> Accessories >> System Tools >> Disk Cleanup

    if nothing else, may give you ideas for different directories for cleaning you hadn't thought of.

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