
Is it possible to write off private school tuition for a child with autism.?

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Is it possible to write off private school tuition for a child with autism.?




  1. This is a question for a tax preparer or a CPA, not in the special education section.  However, I don't believe so because your child has the option of going to public schools where their education would be free.  It's just like any other student going to a private school, it's all on the parents, no tax breaks or anything!

  2. Actually it does depend - I am going throught this right now and don't have all the answers. It is not based on autism, it is based on FAPE (Free Appropiate Public Education under IDEA) basically is your school district equipped to handle your autistic child? You will need to sit down with the public school and see what they can offer - then make a decision as if their IEP will work (in most cases you do have to try the public schooling first; however, it really also depends on if you & your doctor feel that the IEP proposed will not work.  It is alot of research ... but what isn't whenit comes to this kind of stuff. (This would not be a write off - it would be tuition reimbursement)

  3. Your question makes no sense. Do you want to privately educate a child with autism? As all people with autism are so vastly different you would need to put more detail into your question.

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