
Is it possible we are all wrong on some things?

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I think its funny how we laugh or think "How on earth would they think this?" to ourselves about some past scientific theories or what the scientists and population at the time thought was true. These were some of the smartest people of the time and if most agreed on something it was basically seen as true, just as it is today. Is it possible that people a few hundred/thousand years from now people will be laughing at us for what we thought was "fact"? Could a lot of our theories that we basically see as fact turn out to seem ridiculous in the future? Not trying to hurt scientist's egos but I just think it's interesting.




  1. In order for all of us to be wrong about something we would all have to hold the same opinion. That rarely happens. There are always a few who don't get the memo; we still have the Flat Earth Society with us.

  2. I would say without a doubt...there are probably many things that, in the future, will be proven wrong and maybe our present generations could be laughed at.

    One of the biggest (and kind of obvious) past mistakes is that the earth was believed to be flat.

    Then again, these people were the foundation to our culture and civilization as a you can't think of them as stupid for believing some of these things, it was just as good as they could understand at the time really.

  3. Sure. I was wrong once. I thought I'd made a mistake.

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