
Is it possible what aliens from the Roswell crash that died became ghosts because they never........?

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Because they never completed there mission on Earth and there alien souls wonder around trying to find there companions remains that were take by the military?




  1. I never thought that deeply about it.

    Good point you might be on to something.

    I hope the alien ghost can find peace.

  2. Little shop of Roswell aliens,lol!

  3. Maybe. If so, then the MIB and the Ghostbusters would have to unite to extinguish the problem.

  4. no

  5. Roswell ghosts?  

    As long as we're combining fairy tales, how about this: Is it possible for Roswell ghosts with blue auras to deliver presents on Christmas by telekinesis if they can't spin their psi wheels?

  6. william cooper -[you can google search and find the video] says that one alien, perhaps the first on record was named krill and that he died after about 4 years here.  i suppose his spirit might wander looking for peace.

  7. considering life has energy when we die are energy is let out of its container.allien or humans dosent matter.that energy may stay together as a ghost or split appart and become part of the greater energy.All depends on how you look at it.

  8. I don't think they became ghosts. But I think that there are aliens amongst us today, in what forms I don't know. Maybe you're one of them (wink!).

    It's just a matter of time before everything spills out. Aliens are real, and they are here.

  9. Yes it is very possible.  Souls are souls, alien or human.  If they are lost, and seeking their companions, they may not even know that are dead.  

    I don't think that potential existance of alien ghosts has much to do with not having completed thier mission here, whatever it was.  

    Could be they were just out on a joyride for all we know.  Let's go see what's going on down there on earth?, okay, that the heck!  If their world is perfect, and I have to assume that other worlds have got it better than we have, destroying our very atmosphere and ecosystem, and eachother, then we must be great entertainment!

    I often wonder who the Roswell aliens were.  I'll bet they were not of an invasive species, government likes to keep facts from people.  Who knows if we will ever know the truth about Roswell.



  10. Because of all of the reports of extraterrestrial ghosts, I'm going to say that yes, it is possible.

  11. Yes,I think that is possible.I think other ghosts,could be aliens.

  12. You've been reading way too many comic books. There never were aliens at area 51.

  13. Please read the link below.The Silly Express is about to leave the station.Get off while you still can!!!!!! Aliens and ghosts yikes.

  14. no. I've become pretty skeptical about alien UFO's once I read about Tesla's research on engine combustion, and so forth.

    I really think it's more the government hiding advanced technology from us than anything else.

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