
Is it possible when losing your virginity for it not to hurt?

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I'm terrified of having s*x because of the pain. Is there a certain position to be in where you will experience less pain for your first time?

Oh and will it hurt still after losing my virginity?




  1. It might not hurt it depends really, my first time didnt really hurt but it did after

  2. just use a lot of lube and go slow... there are some girls that have said it didn't hurt at ALL... and i've never met a girl that said its that painful, they just say its sore afterwards but still felt good. I wouldn't worry about it.

  3. the key is not to be TERRIFIED. i honestly hope your not thinking about having s*x yet cuz you dont sound ready

    but yes its possible to not have pain. its all about your pain tolerance. for me i cant tolerate pain at all. and losing my virginity was almost one of the most painful things i've done but i dont regret it cuz i was ready and i wanted it. and yes it does hurt the next few times after maybe like 3 or 4 times after its a bad kinda pain then it turns into a good feeling pain. then it just goes away.

    best positions- missionary or girl on top

  4. A lot of it depends on how big the guy is. The bigger he is the more it will hurt...And no it doesn't hurt long only like a minute  

  5. It really depends. the guy I lost my virginity to wasn't very well endowed. It was a strange feeling but it didnt hurt loads. My 2nd partner was huge and it hurt for the first 6-7 times we were together.

    Grit your teeth and bear it coz after a few runs it's all worth it.

  6. it is possible that it wont hurt.... i mean on different girls it feels different... you can possibly only fill a little pench like when someone pierces your ears and then their will be a little bit of pain and then the pain will go away... just make sure u find the right guy and that he listens to you and when you say slow he goes slow and when you say no then he will listen.. make sure if you do have s*x for your first time take it slow   i hope i helped  

  7. I've heard that it does hurt the 1st time. Cuz they have to break some kind of wall. And each time it gets better and better.

  8. Make sure the man is not gonna get Buck Wild with ya.

    Take your time.  Give yourself time to get wet so that means the man is gonna have to be patient and work up foreplay for you to get wet.

    Be sure that you're sure that you're ready.  The mind is the biggest s*x organ.

  9. if you hymen has already been broken from say horse riding or if you have s*x with a guy who has a small willy, then it wouldnt hurt. im also scared about having s*x, my mate said it hurt alot which got me worried

  10. i notice a lot of you girls say use lots of lube how do you know it wont burn her i recomend using lube you know wont burn you and have him finger you or you do it so its not so tight and go slow

  11. its not as sore as made out to be!!

  12. My first time was fine, no pain, no blood. Me and my boyfriend had talked about it for ages and they were the 2 things I was scared of most, but neither happened!

    Just make sure you are very lubricated!

    Me and my boyfriend spent ages on foreplay, mostly him on me, too make sure there was plenty of fluids, so I think that definately helped.

    A few times after it might hurt, but nothing unbearable...remember if it can fit once it will fit twice, right? :)

  13. it didnt hurt me at all.

    as long as you go slow, theres lots of lubriction you should be fine.

  14. u will feel a bit of pain. to make this less likely get fingered a lot before u have s*x and then you wont be as tight, if u use tampons it wil hurt less 2 or maybe go horse riding lots and do gymnastics lol

  15. okay, im so glad i can finally answer a question like this!! :) .... i was a virgin up until i was 19 (!!), and not due to a lack of b.f.'s or interest in s*x, just simply because i was quite tight, and never really was able to 'do it.' but all i can say is that, the right guy, who knows what he's doing, and one that you are reallllly turned on by, will make it a BREEZE. when it happened for me, the key in my head was to RELAX, and i swear, i felt nooooo pain! obviously i was very aroused (wet), thanks to lots of foreplay! and it was in the missionary position. i worried about it for months and months, but really, you musn't! good luck <3

  16. If you take it slow and gentle the first time, it might hurt a little but it shouldn't be excrutiating. Make sure you are physically ready, through foreplay, or use lube because if you aren't wet enough, the dry friction can cause some pain. If you m********e or use tampons, that also helps widen the v****a and lessen pain. Some girls are very sensitive no matter what and some feel nothing; some bleed and some don't. Just make sure you are ready for it (inside and out) and that both of you take your time and enjoy it. It is nothing to be rushed! If you start having s*x on a regualr basis, it will hurt less and you'll learn which positions are comfortable or not for you- its always a learning process, but a fun one! Make sure you talk with your partner and let them know what you're feeling and you'll be fine! Good luck!

  17. Missionary position will reduce the pain the most. Here's the thing though, it's not bad. The pain is over very quickly, and so long as the person you're with is very gentle and goes slowly as soon as it's 'done' you shouldn't feel any pain afterwords.

    You may be a little 'sore' afterwords, but you shouldn't be in any pain. If you are, you need to see a doctor.

  18. My friend said it didn't hurt at all. For me, it was the worst pain I've ever experienced and I bled very heavily. The worst thing was that it continued to be like that for the first month. It wasn't until the 10th time or so that it started to ease up.

    I think I was just very unlucky. Everyone is different. It's becoming increasingly common for young girls to break their hymens before having s*x (the hymen breaking is the painful thing) from doing sports such as horse riding and gymnastics.

    If you're relaxed and comfortable, it should minimise the pain. But if you're scared it sounds like you're not yet mature enough to have s*x.

    Regarding positions - I think missionary is the best one for the least amount of pain, purely because it's not very deep.

  19. no one still have pain these day .....& advice use baby oil it is good:)

  20. Before you go this far, you must be both emotionally an physically ready.

    Tons of foreplay make the pain almost insignificant, even if there IS a little blood present.

  21. There is no way it won't hurt. It's not that bad. Don't worry about it so much, but tell him it's your first time so he should be gentle. For me, it hurt the first 3 times, but it was less painful each time. After those first couple of times it started feeling good.

  22. Hiya I Went Through Exactly The Same Problem . . I Even Used To *** On Here For Advice About It And I Wuz **** Scared Ov Losin My Virginity But Lost It At Around 1:25am Monday Mornin. My Boyfriend Wuz Also A Virgin. It Wasn't Planned Or Nuffin But We Did Hav Lube And Condoms At Tha Ready. Wel To Get 2 The Point It Did Hurt Gettin It In. We Used Plenty Ov Lubrication &+ It Took Us About 3 Minutes 2 Get It In But We Dun It. At First I Cud Only Get Like 3 Inches In But As We Got Towards The End I Got About 6.5 Inches In. It Did Hurt Alot At First. Well It Hurt Throughout Tha Whole Like Session But The Pain Wasn't So Bad After About Tha First 15 - 20 Minutes. We Went For About Half An Hour &+ My Boyfriend Came Twice. I'm Glad I Dun It And Tha Pain Wasn't As Bad As I Fort Reli . . I Did Bleed For About 15 Hours But Not Loads. I Guess It's Diffrent For All Girls Reli. I Did Poke Myself Tho Like Weeks Before I Had s*x And At First Cud Only Get One Finger In But Then I Got 2 In, Almost 3 Towards Tha Time I Lost My Virginity, I Think It Helped Reli. But Seriously, For Me, It Wasn't As Bad As I Fort It Wud Be. I'm Stil Sore After 3 Days But It Really Isn't That Bad. . . All I Say Is Use A Condom &+ Plenty Ov Lubrication. It Worked For Us. &+ Try Not To Worry Bout Tha Pain. . . =] I Guess It'll All Be Worth It In The End.

    Good Luck x x x

    Hannah, 16

  23. I hope you are a girl.

    MOSTLY all girls willl experience pain the first few times having s*x. Some dont because they are either strong, or have broken their hymen already somehow with maybe  tampon or masturbation.

    The pain comes from the hymen breaking.

    Things you can do to make sure it is as painless as possible are:

    -Make sure you use A LOT of lubrication on the outside and inside and on his p***s too, more lubrication, less irritation

    - Make sure you are TOTALLY relaxed, if your legs or stomach, or lower abs cramp up , which they do when you are nervous, it will make everything down there TIIIIGHT and that will cause a lot of pain. So be as calm and loose as possible.

    You just gotta be strong and face the pain,. it will go away after 3-5 times of having proper s*x,. after that,. its all fun from there.

    good luck.

  24. god, i wish mines wasnt sore. it took me 3 days (3 tries) to break my virginity it was so sore. every single time i do it its agony.

    i've heard to not make it hurt you just have to try and relax and get it over with, and use lube. but it didnt work for me at all. if ur that scared, dont do it because you'll be so worried that ur vage will be all tense making it more difficult than it is.

  25. Hey hunny

    Right i had my first time s*x about a week ago

    and have been having it since!

    to be honest its so over rated s*x only hurts the first time for about 2 minutes after that its fine :)

    And it hurt me a little bit the second time after that its fine

    Don't worry just use protection

    Hope this helped =]


  26. the most important part is to have ur time and enough lubrication and go is a bit painfull but in the moment maybe u won`t notice so much

  27. Always use a water based lubricant,never an oil based one.                                                          

  28. When having s*x it is important to have a good communication with your partner. Tell your partner to go slowly and it will go just fine.

  29. if your hymen is broken, or if you m********e, chances are it wont hurt as much. it didnt hurt a bit for me. and the feeling only gets better as s*x progresses

  30. ooo i want to know the answer to this question to. x.x.x

  31. I did not find it painful - just felt a bit different. When you are ready to have s*x for the first time try to stay as relaxed as possible - if you tense up then it will be sore. Dont be scared but do be ready and with the right partner. x

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