
Is it possibly to live (self sustaining) on the moon with our current technology available.?

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Is it possibly to live (self sustaining) on the moon with our current technology available.?




  1. the main problem is it would cost alot and the fact that it wouldnt have much of an economy rendered it useless.. although i have heard that the moon has uranium and helium 3 which is good for nuclear power so it could be shipped back to earth

  2. No, we could not live self sustaining on the moon.

    We do not have an efficient enough energy process to be fully self sustaining.

    Even our most efficient, nuclear power, requires addition of nuclear matter to continue.  This nuclear matter could not be found on the moon.  Another option would be solar.  But, since the moon has no atmosphere, it is constantly being bombarded by stellar objects.  This would wreak havoc with any solar panel.  And, solar panels are not cost effectively efficient yet.

    We would need to incorporate many self sustaining farming methods, which would also provide carbon dioxide cleansing with the plants.  Also, would we have an unlimited resource of water on the moon?

  3. The moon is too small. It doesn't keep its own atmosphere.

    Let's find a planet about Earth size, take it out of its orbit and place it in orbit around Earth. We need also to spin this planet a bit faster and treat it's atmosphere so we could live on it.

  4. yes, we could do it, it's possible to build a station, generate oxygen and sufficient gravity but it would cost trillions of $$, there is no purpose to do it, there is nothing on the moon worthy of having a station there at such a cost.

  5. you also have to understand that the moon revolves around the earth. the moon will be too cold when it is behind the earth, and too hot when it revolves to the front of the earth closer to the sun. and it really makes a difference. unless man creates a way to tqackle this problem it is not possible.

  6. Years and years away.

  7. To whom it may concern

    Theologians have spent centuries defining the creation, however by simply posting this comment you have degraded the work spent on emphasising that humans are for earth and questioning scientists; (is it possible?).  Your question gives insight to what state of mind you are in each moment that passes suggests that you are unhappy with life and feel inferior, though your significance is diminishing you need to insult science and prove to your self-indulgent ego that through cosmic rays a gift was placed unto you that your knowledge far passes one of Albert Einstein.  By continuing to answer this question I am coddling to your pea-sized imagination and a shamble of a brain.  When reality hits you and you finally accept that yahoo answers is for the imaginative and possessors of IQ higher than water's freezing point.  I would bid you a good day on the other hand I don't want to expose you to more big-headed comments.  So please consider a therapist and tutorials on humility.

  8. you can create energy and oxygen but not food

    unless you  had some sort of indoor farm

    so in theory yes

    but practically speaking no

  9. I don't think so. Long term effects living on the moon would be too much for our bodies. We can't really produce food there it wouldn't be self-sustaining...

    edit: there are certain reasons to be on the moon though, such as so telescopes would be above our atmosphere to search for things, and it takes less gas to launch from the moon because from earth we have to go through our atmosphere... and another reason is to research how to colonize a planet...

    i guess we might have the technology but its a lot of money

  10. Not for more than a few days.  We're still years away from colonizing the moon.

  11. their one major problem they could never come back to earth since their bones would have gotten so weak since today we have nothing to fight we can't perfect gravity yet so their bones would have gotten a  lot weaker in such a  way where every bone in their body would break if they every came back to earth

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