
Is it posssible to stay with someone 20 minutes away?

by  |  earlier

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well me and my boyfriend live 20 minutes away by car.

i am 14 hes 16.

we go to different schools.

is it possible to keep are realationship going for a while.

i can hardly see him because his dad is low on money and my mom wont let me date anyone.. period because she told me she dont want me to be some loser like my sister and go for a guy but she dosent understand that its my choice. If she found out about me and my boyfriend she would make sure we never talk again.

My dad is to lazy to drop me off there too.




  1. It is very possible.  I had a boyfriend who lived about 20 min. away, too.  We lasted a little over two months (it could have been longer but a problem arose unfortunetly).  It will be hard but I think you can do it if you really have strong feelings for each other.

    Good luck!

  2. haha good luck with that itll never last

  3. I am 14, my boyfriend is 16.

    He lives 20 minutes away too.

    We have been together for over 5 months now.

    Just try and find a way to see him.

    Maybe he could come to your dad's house?

    He is 16, why can't he drive himself, and pick you up.

    seems like it should work out fine to me=]

  4. 20 minutes by car, thats like what maybe 10 miles?  get on your bike and pedal for your boy!  additionally, at 14 why would you want to date somebody who didnt go to your school?  isnt the point of having a "boyfriend" at that age to like hold hands in the hallway?  

  5. ya there will be some tough times but you'll make it through

  6. sounds like it won't in your situation :(

  7. I know that you think this is the one but 3 years from now you probably won't remember him.You should obey parents but you will not you will probably get pregnant and disappoint yourself too . Yes 20 minutes away is not far. if that is too long to wait then you are add.

  8. doesnt sound like it'll work out honestly

  9. My Girl lives around the same amount of time away from me. it will work as long as you keep communication open. talk  on msn/phone/myspace as much as you can. maybe find out train routes or buses etc.

    hope it all works out for you

  10. yes its possible

  11. okay. well make an effort if you like him. considering the fact that you can't drive, bike to his house, or meet him at a park. tell your mom you're just going to be meeting a few friends or whatever. my mom would believe me, but yours may not. talk to her and tell her the truth, about how you like him. if you can't write her a letter about it. try to make her feel guilty by not wanting to sound like she's guilty. i hope you know what i mean. i hope that helps.

  12. yes it's possible. my boyfriend lives 30 minutes away and we just talk a lot online and on the phone so we stay close. also when possible we try to meet up somewhere halfway between both of our houses. you could always tell your mom that the two of you are just friends and want to hang out.

    i hope things work out for you in the end =]

  13. 5 minutes or 20 if your mom won't let you date the distance doesn't seem to matter. You can stay in touch by phone or messenger and if that works out eventually you will be old enough to date/drive etc..Best of Luck.

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