
Is it possuble to volunteer at the morgue?

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I'm an 18 year old high school student, and i would like to volunteer at a morgue, because i'm aiming to become a medical examiner. but is it possible to volunteer at a morgue?




  1. no, it's not. I've tried. But what i did was volunteer at the hospital. at least there, you can get some experience dealing with people in different situations, and see what it takes to become a medical examiner. plus it's fun to hang out with the kids in the children's ward. :D

  2. Everyone has to start somewhere. I would talk to the manager at a morgue or mortuary close to you. Tell them you are interested in going into the field of forensic science. Interesting subject........

    Ask them if they have a volunteer position available, or even a part-time position that you could fill. You are definately an adult and could do the work if they would give you a chance. Don't stop with just one mortuary or morgue. There are plenty of them out there. If one won't give you a chance, another will. Just keep checking and don't give up.

    Good luck and take care my friend.

  3. Call the ones in your area and ask.  What can you lose. . . they can only say "no."  Good Luck!

  4. The Medical Examiners offices in my area do not use volunteers. However, there may be clerk and Investigator's jobs you might be interested in.

    If you are interested in the Law Enforcement side; check to see if there is a Law Enforcement Explorers group in your area. Explorers groups are a collaborative effort by the Boy Scouts and local public safety agencies....there are also Firefighting Explorer groups.

    If your main interest is in the medical side; then the suggestion to volunteer at a hospital was great. You could also check out pathology labs to see if you could train to be a tech and work there part time.

    Try contacting the National Association of Medical Examiners for other ideas.

  5. If you can't volunteer at the morgue, try a funeral home.  You can at least get experience with dead bodies.  Or maybe you could work at a hospital in some way.  Good luck!

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