
Is it practical to consider travel in Brazil with a 3 month old baby?

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Are there any paticular issues involved in traveling with a small baby in Brazil? I plan to travel to the main cities but not to the Amazon regions. Has anyone experience of this ? Is Brazil a "child friendly" country for travel. Also what about language? I speak Spanish but not Portuguese so how feasable is it to get by with limited language skills.




  1. First, passports: you'll probably need a new one with you holding your baby; second, if the baby sits on your lap, you'll most likely have to pay 10% of the airfare, but many airlines now require an "airline friendly" baby seat and for you to buy a childs fare ticket for the seat; Most Brazilians understand spanish; there are a lot of kidnappings; hire a bodyguard if you're a single mother traveling alone.

  2. It shouldn't be anymore difficult or problematic than traveling with a little baby anywhere else.

  3. noooo

  4. My husband and I just returned with our daughter, who turned 4 months while we were there.  We had no problems at all.  We only went to Rio de Janeiro, but as a previous person mentioned, the staff at the airports, etc assist you to move to the front of the line.  Our daughter slept through the entire flight, and we took here everywhere.

    As far as the language, you will have a problem.  Portuguese and Spanish are very different, and you should definitely learn some phrases in Portuguese and travel with a pocket dictionary to assist.

  5. We found it very easy when we Travelled with our daughter to Sao Paulo(then on to Brasilia to meet the wifes family),the main difficulty is in Europe where they do not cater for children in airports( In Brasil it is customary to rush passengers with small babies through the queues,much to my amazement,this also happens in banks,government buildings and a lot of shops!!) Brasils` main cities are fine for children,In Rio and Sao Paulo the same rules apply when travelling anywhere, BE AWARE

    One MAJOR point is to make sure you get a "sky-cot" as these are very important( you dont want a baby in your lap for 11 hours),also maybe taking disposible sachets of milk(if you bottle feed) as this cuts out the need for multiple bottles.

    It would be better to make sure all innoculations are up to date too(we actually had my daughters done there by a family doctor at 3 mnths).

    Spanish wont help you very much (although a few people understand it) so it would be best to learn a few basic phrases first (I learned Portugese the hard way-by visiting the mother in law!)

  6. if you speak spanish you'll understand portuguese and vice-versa. If you take all the normal precautions with your child, there's no problem

  7. only if you want to put your babys life at risk i take it you dont follow events in brazil theres been alot of clashes recently with many police officers losing their lives plus its not unheard of tourists being shot for their takings.

  8. No, don't be a fool

  9. If you are seriously considering this then you shouldn't be in charge of a baby, the health facilities available aren't up to the standard of ours and ours isn't great, the baby isn't completely vaccinated & there are dangerous bugs etc that will be attracted to milk and dirty nappies.

    You want to travel to countries like this then leave the baby at home

  10. It's never practicle to tavel with a baby

  11. you should have no problem really..    very friendly country...

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