
Is it professional to show off the cleavage ?

by  |  earlier

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Speaking of women in mid and upper-management positions, would you as a man or a woman find it offensive if a woman's work attire / cleavage was distracting you while talking to and working with them. I personally don't find it offensive or distracting, but I interpret that person probably has got twists in his or her character. Am I holding the right professional attitude here?




  1. In some professions it is essential. I've never tried the "upper-management position" is it strenuous?

  2. Professional business attire is just that----and the less skin the better.

  3. No. I don't think it's offensive unless it's extreme. A little cleavage is fine, but seeing too much is unprofessional. I still don't get offended. If they want to put on a show, I'll watch.

    I also don't think a little cleavage means they are twisted. that's pretty judgmental and we all have quirks. It probably just means they like dressing a little s**y while at work. There is nothing wrong with that as long as it stays tasteful. Men do it too, just with different styles. Of course they don't show their junk, but the will wear a better cut on the suit or shirt or even slacks.

  4. if it's not yours then no.-blurey

  5. Not only is it distracting, it is utterly and entirely unprofessional.  I too would have an unfavorable opinion about them.

  6. Absolutely not. Showing cleavage is always characterized as sleazy. It makes it much harder for people to take you seriously, especially when going for a job interview.

  7. If you look back at the styles of long ago, cleavage has always been acceptable and was not considered sleezy.  I think it depends on how the woman carries it off. I have seen women in business suits and a lovely silk blouse showing a little cleavage and I see nothing wrong with this. Cleavage was acceptable back when women were thought sleezy if they showed their legs.

  8. Not exactly, but I love to do it.  You're only young once, after all!

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