
Is it proper etiquette to?

by  |  earlier

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honk your horn and cuss at a driver who runs a stop sign?




  1. No that is road rage!!!

    What if that person is a psycho-path who carries a gun with him/her at all times and comes back and kills you because you did all of that.  I wouldn't do it!!

    It wouldn't hurt if you said something that they couldn't hear or thought about it though. Or roll your eyes when you pass by them, then drive off very quickly.  Don't let them see your liscence plate....then they'll haunt you down!!

  2. only if you shoot at him


  3. no put a little shouting in and its just great

  4. Such AH drivers are dangerous and should be cursed at and also reported to police.

  5. only if interferes with if you had to slam on the breaks or they almost hit you.

  6. not sure if it's proper etiquette but it is an almost instinctive reaction.

  7. Not really.  They're more likely going to be caught on a speed camera anyway for doing it and will see consequences without your honking and cursing.

    If you need to cuss at someone, etiquette has already been thrown well out of the car window, so to speak ;)

  8. No!  Never do this.  You could trigger a road rage event.  It's not your place to correct other drivers, unless of course you yourself are in danger from what another driver is doing.

  9. Only if ur expecting a bullet in LA.

  10. ha ha, no idea, but i would sure as h**l do it! lol

  11. Um, not really, but you should honk your horn if you're in danger or to give a warning.  But cussing happens, so if you tend to cuss, I guess there's no stopping you.

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