
Is it proper to ask your boss for a pay raise in an email? Anyone got suggestions?

by Guest57347  |  earlier

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Any tips would be appreciated. Im thinking Friday morning prior to business hours. Making sure hes in a good mood. Do I ask for a specific amount? Should I be very open? Brief? Im not really buddy buddy with him, but he always praises me for good work.




  1. Ask in person. It's ok to ask these questions. Just be prepared to give reasons to why u  deserve a raise.

  2. i think  it would be better if you walk into his office and looked him in the eye and ask him face to face, This shows you are strong and willing to go after what you want, Emails at times can be seen as a weakness in some cases.    talk face to face is more bolder, and Will get you what you want.

  3. I would ask him first if the company has planned times during which they review performance.  Some companies have an annual performance review during which pay raises are considered.  It's not always just up to your boss, sometimes they need one or more people in Finance to sign off on a raise too.  The other time companies give raises are "merit" increases.  Be prepared to talk about your performance in relation to the goals, and to site specific examples in which you excelled (try to use his words of praise about your work for maximum impact).  The amount you ask for would depend on a lot of variables.  Usually anything over 10% is considered a sizable increase.  Definitely talk to him face to face.

  4. If you want to get the raise my advice be a man and go right to him. If you email the request it makes you look less deserving of a raise. Go to your boss tell him you would like to discuss a possible increase in your pay. Don't set a price that will end your chances buy be polite and tell him you work hard and always on time and you would realy like an increase in pay for all the effort you put forth everyday.

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