
Is it proper to ???

by  |  earlier

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respond to an insult, to slap their face with the right hand or the left hand? or smack em in the mouth with a fist?




  1. I think Jesus tells his followers to "turn the other cheek"  So I say, right cheek first, then left, then when they look at you all astonished because you had the tenacity to slap them twice, then you hit 'em in the mouth...


  2. Well first it all depends on the insult....a mild insult one should use their less dominant hand the smack slap won't be as hard, the more the insult the harder the slap with the dominant hand and for those really dreadful insults then a good old fist in mouth is called for.  After that I'd say it's Dirty Harry time and "make my day punk".

    Guess I'm old fashion but I do believe retribution.

  3. Use your fist, get it over and done with.

  4. violence is never a proper response
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