
Is it psychokinesis / telekinesis???

by  |  earlier

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ok here's a odd question...

when i put my hands close together but NOT touching

(say about 6inches apart)

i can feel somthing there, like a object that i can push like an air bubble

i can move my hands over it, and even push abit

it isn't about force, it's a gental thing

awhille ago me and a friend were messing around, and i was trying to get him to do it, to see if it works for him (which it didn't)

but i put my hand to him, just like i would do with my other hand

and he said he could feel somthing pushing him with a small force

i feel abit daft for posting this to be honest, but it is true

i've done abit of reading on this stuff, and afew sites talk about heat waves etc

are they any people on here that really know about this stuff?

if they are, do you think it is just heat waves, or somthing eles?

and no, i can't move objects with my mind lol

although i do seem to do well at guessing what people are thinking quite abit

thank you




  1. ok its hardly a heat wave because your hands would start getting hot and its kinda like a psi ball its a ball of unexplained energy because your keeping your hands still so its not energy but part psi part pk and since I'm a starter for this power i still don't know much but hopefully my source can help you

  2. Yea its psi energy, don't listen to Peter D. The guy says he knows it all and goes around saying its just fake/suggestion when he hasn't even dipped his own feet into psionics. Your feeling energy, but honestly...its not very useful (its real and affects things but takes too much of an effort to make it do something reasonably useful/cool. One year minimum to move a small object like a pen or calculator is ridiculous). Get into chi, thats where the real fun begins.

    PM me for more info.

  3. peter D is right, it's a form of energy that everyone has, but most dont learn how to control it, or dismiss it as " a strange coincidence, or nothing paranormal"

    You should look up some mental exercises to help develop it.

  4. It's called a psi ball.  You appear to perceive it through the power of suggestion.  It's not really there.  And the throwing of psi balls has been outlawed in both baseball and cricket, so don't get any funny ideas.

    EDIT: I encourage you to approach this with an open mind.  However, you also owe it to yourself to approach it honestly.  Some people are so convinced psi balls are real the are in denial of all that doesn't reinforce the belief.  So please try it, but don't delude yourself it's real when you get no results.

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