
Is it....................?

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is every pregnancy different......Ii mean from your 1st pregnancy?

how is or was it different from your 1st pregnancy?

thanks x*x x*x




  1. mine weren't that much different.  I had no sickness, little swelling, and the only difference was one was 9 days late and the other was 2 days early

  2. Both of my pregnancies have been different, yes. Not that my first pregnancy was really difficult, but my second has definitely been easier so far. I haven't gotten quite as big and I didn't experience any morning sickness during the first trimester. I'm just hoping delivery will be as easy with this one as it was with my first.  

  3. my 2nd was totally different

    my 1st no sickness but terrible back pain because he was facing back to back horrible labour (18 hours) had 2 be induced had epidural but still felt everything and needed stitches

    my 2nd couldnt move without being sick for 3 months lost half a stone rest of pregnancy was really easy no back pain or anything labour was easy 7 hours with only diamorphine then gas n air to push no stitches

    i definetly think 2nd pregnancies are easier as you know what to expect

  4. there are alot of differences between my first and second. This pregnancy has been alot harder, maybe because I have to chase after a toddler. I have more pains this time and I'm alot more tired.

  5. I had morning sickness much worse during my first one.  I also gained less weight with my second.  Plus you know what to expect and can feel the kicking a little sooner.  A lot of people say you get bigger faster the second time around.  Probably b/c your skin has already stretrched that big before and it isn't fighting back the baby.

    God Bless

  6. Definitely yes for me! My first pregnancy, seemed like a breeze compared to this one! I'm 37 weeks today and finding it really hard this time. My iron has been low all the way through which hasn't helped me feeling tired all the time. I felt sick at the beginning and unbelieveably moody! The moods haven't really gone, but I put that down to feeling so tired all the time. My cravings were also completely was all milkshakes & dairy stuff on my daughter and this time it's been anything meaty, crisps, marmite, etc.

  7. the difference is crazy for me!

    My first pregnancy was great! I worked on my feet until I was 37 weeks along. Of course I had backaches and all the normal things but it wasn't real bad. Didn't even have morning sickness.

    This time I've had afternoon sickness so bad i was in bed for most of the week for the first 14. I have horrible aches and pains that get so bad it is hard to walk... i could go on and on and i'm only 24 weeks =(  

  8. mine were completely different, i was a lot sicker and alot more tired the second time round!  i also didnt know what i was carrying - with my first i just knew it was a boy, i couldnt tell the second time.  it turned out to be another boy!  

  9. My 2nd pregnancy was way different from my first pregnancy.

    With my 2nd pregnancy, I was so ill. throwing up constantly, between 20 to 30 times a day for 4 months, the doctor had to put me on medication to help decrease it, and even then it was about 10 times a day. If I didn't take the medication I would be back to the 20 or 30 times a day. I was only nauseous with my first one for about a month.

    With my 2nd pregnancy I lost a total of 17 lbs and by the time I was 9 months, I was only 8 lbs more than when I got pregnant. With my first I only lost 5 lbs and I ended up nearly 35 lbs more than my starting weight.

    Also, I started to look pregnant from almost 5 weeks on during my second pregnancy and with my first you couldn't tell until about 4 1/2 months.

    I also carried both babies completely different. With my first pregnancy my son was way out in front, with my second, my daughter was way up high and in my ribs.

    I think the biggest difference between the two pregnancies is that I knew what to expect for the most part and looked forward to feeling movements and was able to detect her moving around much earlier than I was with my son.  

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