
Is it "Bye, Bye, Rush"?

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McCain wants no part of him. He is talking down Obama, has threatened to vote for Hillary, and his words have had no impact at all on the voters. He didn't like McCain, but it looks as though McCain will be the Republican Candidate.

Is this the end of the reign for Rush Limbaugh? Has he lost his ability to spread his venom over the entire political process and enticed thousands of listeners to join him on his quest for more and more hatred and resentment? Can he now concentrate on conquering his addictions, rely more on entertainment than political venom, since he calls himself an "entertainer"? Can we finally see the end of the Limbaugh Era as a "Shock Jock" and see more moderate radio hosts take his place?




  1. Highly doubtful since he does have the #1 talk show on radio.

  2. "threatened to vote for Hillary"?

    I see that you're just a part time listener, if you listen at all.

    He has "threatened" to vote for her in the past, but he knows her for whom she really is, a pure socialist.

    "Talking down Obama"?

    And your point would be?  He's a bigger leftist than Shrillary is, and is the antithesis of everything a right-minded conservative should be.  (which he is)

    "Doesn't like McCain"?

    So?  Rush has out-lasted several presidential changes, and i guarantee he hasn't liked all of the people in the WH regardless of their affiliation.

    McCain is more centrist than Rush (and a lot of us Conservatives), so there is going to be a certain amount that we don't care for in this candidate.

    So what?

    Rush will be on the air for as long as he and his audience wants.

    Deal with it.

  3. There is the possibility of re-regulation of the radio airwaves if a democratic candidate takes office. Talk show hosts like Limbaugh and Savage have become Conservative talk  show icons due to the deregulation during the Reagan years. With a Democrat in office and the majority in the senate you may see some changes if Hilary or Obama step into the white house.

  4. Give me a thumbs down now, and read no further.

    There is no end in sight for Rush Limbaugh, because the free market decides his fate, not politicians.  Rush has the most listeners, can sell commercial time to sponsors, making the sponsors wealthy, the radio stations wealthy...and of course, Rush very wealthy.

    When moderate talk radio becomes popular, everything I typed will be untrue.  As it stands in this universe, I've just typed the gospel.

  5. No, nor do we truly want him to leave.  Useful idiots serve a purpose, and in the case of Rush, he serves to make the ultra-conservative fringe look even worse than they already are.  My guess is that he won't have nearly as much influence within Republican Party circles as he once did.  Nevertheless, there will always be a market for knee-jerk reactionary wingnut propaganda and plenty of blowhard pundits to fill that need.

  6. We could only hope he goes away and stops polluting our universe

  7. we can only hope

  8. Nothing sells quite like hate.  We are stuck with Limbaugh.

  9. Probably not.

    As long as Limbaugh continues to generate ad revenues he'll stay on the air.

    Please understand, the man doesn't go on the air to "influence voters" even though he clearly does.  He goes on the air to earn a successfull living being a radio personality.

    Moderate radio show hosts don't engage their audiences enough to generate the ad revenues.

  10. No. Lots of idiots like him. I'm guessing they're not aware of his often use of child s*x slaves. He doesn't just go to South America to sneak pills.

  11. Rush will be around for a long time to come.  He has been dismissed numerous times but has not faltered yet.

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