
Is it "bad" or against the Christian religion to do (practice) yoga?????

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What do you think? Would it be like you are practicing another religion?? Why do so many people think so? I want to try yoga but am scared it's against Christianity???????????




  1. They say it is. But its not in the Bible. Its not any more a sin than anything else. its good for your body. your body is Gods temple. I dunno

  2. Typical Christian responses:

    Cherry pick the parts you like and call the rest the Evil.

    and yes, yoga IS a religion, the posturing is just their method of prayer/meditation.

  3. That would be kinda... dumb if anyone thought that.

  4. Whoever you are talking to is scared of something, losing you to something else.  Listen to your heart and stretch.

  5. If you don't see anything in your Bible about the subject, any comments you get are OPINION.  

    Human opinion, no matter how pius and saintly the person it comes from, remains OPINION.

    You don't need people's permission to live your life.

  6. It's stretching, do I really need to say more here.

  7. The exercises yes.... the "religion" no... the mind games behind "yoga" are not for Christians... do the exercises and meditate on The Truth

  8. Go learn the flexibility and the self-control.  As someone else observed, meditate on God or pray when you are focusing.  A grew-up not thinking I could take a martial-art because they taught oriental religions.  Glad I grew past that.  TaeKwonDo and Karate are great defenses and exercise regimines.

    Texas Girl --  CoC myself.

  9. It's about stretching, breathing and getting centered. How is that even remotely against Christianity? Whoever is telling you that has misled you.  

  10. no its just exercise... when it started, people in india would do it while praying but as a christian, you wouldnt be praising any hindu gods or anything by doing yoga :)

  11. Jesus said:Take this Yoke. "Yoga means to Yoke" to Spirit. Jesus said to "Worship in Spirit." In all likelihood, that was a type of Yoga. And of course people think that the gospels have noting about enlightenment. But Jesus said: Become the "Children of the Light."

    It's all in there. People just refuse to see it because they were taught the Pauline gospel instead of the Kingdom Gospel about light.

    Look it up for yourself and see what Jesus said about "light" and what he said about "sacrifice" All good on the first, negative on the second.

    More on the Original Gospel is on my bio.

  12. Have you looked Yoga up on line to see where it originated from?  Do so...

  13. I struggled with this myself.  I asked some Christian women that I respect a great deal.  I also have Cerebral Palsy and it is very good for that.  The answer I got as long as you are using solely for the exercise/fitness then it is ok.  I have a DVD of it.  When they say meditate, I do.  I just meditate on the Lord and pray.  I am church of Chirst and know other women that do it from CofC.  

  14. No, it wouldn't go against anything Jesus, his disciples, or the current church preach.

    It's a wonderful practice.

  15. This idea about being exclusive about good ideas from other cultures and religions makes you miss out on experiences that you might enjoy, and that might be excellent for your health and fitness, and relaxing mentally. I would embrace good ideas from whatever cultures or religions they originate.

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