
Is it "bad" to swim with your "private zones" wide and free?

by  |  earlier

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can it cause infectious diseases on your vag or p-nis? beleive me, ive heard rumors.

also, is it illegal? id love to try it out!




  1. im not sure if its illigal but its called skiney dipping and id do it in my own private pool.

  2. Umm its called skinny dipping nd it is illegal in most public places but not if u get caught lol

  3. There are some beaches across the U.S. that are clothing optional, but it would be illegal where it is not permitted. There is also a chance you could get an infection in your privates if you are in the water.

  4. Not dangerous at all.  Like the other stated its called skinny dipping.  There is no difference in wearing a suit or not wearing a suit, when swimming.  When you move you legs and body your "Private Zone" moves and opens and closes the same.  Don't worry unless the water itself is contaminated.  HAVE FUN.

    Its only illegal if you do it in a public area or on someone else's private property.

    To tell you the truth, you probably will not be able to tell the difference between the two.

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