
Is it "fake" to judge someone?

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Is it "fake" to judge someone?




  1. certainly is

  2. heck yeah it isn't fake is hypocritical!!

  3. Those who are judging others are often projecting their own insecurities or struggles.  Look internally.

  4. if you judge them before

    you know them then yes

  5. Just don't judge.  If you don't judge, you let go a lot of baggage that you can bring to the table.  Remember the golden rule.  If you judge others, how would you like it if you were judged?

  6. "Judge not, lest ye be judged."


  7. No of course it's not "fake" to judge some one. It's almost second nature. Everyone does that. I do it all the time. What is REAL is to admit to yourself, "well i was wrong about him/her so maybe my first thoughts on them were wrong." It's so totally normal to judge but what's not as common is others admitting that first impressions aren't always right, and that it's easy to judge but not to live in someone else's shoes.

  8. I wouldn't really say it's "fake"...I think it's just a bad character flaw. When you judge someone, you're not being're just assuming what a person is like and jumping to conclusions.  

  9. no, but its fake to say you dont like someone then become their bestfriend

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