
Is it raining in Paris?

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Thanks for everyones help, were going to eurodisney so i wanted to know whether to pack the brollys or not. Emma c get a life and why even bother with your infantile answers, get out more, be nice!!!




  1. never

  2. probably not

    p.s. check out cnn for the weather update

  3. Hold on I'll just get my Chrystal Ball!

  4. i don't know

  5. At the moment it is somewhat overcast and rain is expected this evening. 23/02/07

  6. Right now no. Just asked on Yahoo! Answers FR.

    Usually Paris is not that rainy. There is a form of weather that is said to be quite special to Paris, a sort of romantic (some say depressing) sky with low clouds and still a lot of light playing in those grey heavy clouds over the river Seine and Notre-Dame :-)

  7. Alright, now everyone can take a shower. It will be a long time B4 the next one so you had better take advantage!

  8. onley every 170 minutes

  9. Here is the current weather and forecast for Paris:

    Looks like mostly cloudy today but no rain.

  10. Apres la pluie, le beau temps

    After the rain, nice weather     as they may say

  11. Try www weather .com

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