
Is it raining loads where you are?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in English, and its raining, LOADS! x




  1. Im suppostwed to be living in the sunny south east of Ireland..........It never stops raining

  2. warm and thunder and lightening and huge rain drops and then sunny

    Liverpool UK

  3. I live one mile away from Wimbledon Tennis and it's sunny just I hope you are watching the final whilst it lasts!!

  4. ....What has this got to do with Quotations???

  5. im scottish and at this point in time no... which is aurprising but then again it looks ilke its about 2 lol

  6. No it's not raining "loads" (whatever they are...).

    It is, however, raining appreciably water with, I suspect, a range of particulates and dissolved pollutants.

  7. Yeah, I'm down in Kent and it's been bucketing down all morning.

  8. It's ENGLAND

    Get used to it!


    And it's raining loads in reading also much.

  9. I live in Scotland...sort of speaks for itself lol it has been raining all month pretty much, June too. Was strangely really warm and sunny on Friday but now its back to the norm unfortunately.

    If the weather is like this all summer...well, that is c**p lol

  10. Yeah I'm in co meath Ireland and it's been raining none stop for two weeks now

  11. Its been sunny most the day, but has gone cloudy in the last hour, I'm in Wales

  12. i am in ireland and it never stops raining here.

  13. Yeah, in the great state of PA it's been raining everyday now....I feel like I'm in Forks it's raining so much. (Twilight fans will understand this joke) WHERE'S EDWARD???

  14. overcast all day and now just started to rain n/lancashire u/k

  15. It's rained here really hard all night and morning but now it is beginning to clear up

    Weston Super Mare

  16. Nope.  I'm in the US: Texas, where it's sunny and will probably hit 100F today!  Send some rain our way, and we'll send it to Californa; they really need it!

  17. im in uk near liverpool and its just showers here once its dry the rain comes again

  18. I live in wolverhampton and its thundering as well as the rain

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