
Is it raining where you live? i,m in Wales and its ....... down...?

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Is it raining where you live? i,m in Wales and its ....... down...?




  1. i am in New York

    and its not raining.

  2. I'm passing thru english midlands awaiting return flight to Peru, and it is chucking it down.

  3. yep im in brum but hey that's British weather for ya

  4. Yep I'm in Wales too and it is that horrible drizzle right now :-(

  5. Cardiff, and yes, lashing. I'm still in bed right now, contemplating whether to get up or not. I might for a bacon butty breakfast..

  6. Yes it rained earlier here in N Dorset and still a bit dull now.

  7. Just consistent grey drizzle, today: East Cornwall.

    Progress on my garden railway is being made by doing preparatory work indoors.

  8. 35c inside the boat in Marmaris, sunny + hotter outside, little wind, no rain expected til October, expecting lots more hot days.

  9. london its piddling down

  10. It was raining a bit earlier in CT, about 8pm.  It has been clear for hours now, though.

  11. Raining in Cumbria.

  12. yep, tiddling it down here in Derby (East Mids)

  13. Raining here too-Liverpool UK  :(

  14. Lovely sunny weather in Scotland.Come and visit.

  15. Not here, though we are in desperate need of rain. Cyprus - 35c.

  16. Same here ... Somerset. UK.

  17. Overcast and Misty... Dover, Kent

  18. Yes, but then it would be, as I'm also in Wales

  19. not today,it was a beauitful sunny winters day for a change.

    im sydney australia.

  20. I'm in the Scotland (North East)

    It's not raining, its a bit cloudy but sunny. =]

  21. We've got 25°C and sunshine right now here in Hamburg, Germany.

    We were really happy about some rain the last days, as it was so hot and dry here the weeks/months before (we aren't used to that).

  22. Am in SW Ireland and its the same.

  23. Nope, but there were thunderstorms earlier here in Massachusetts.

  24. not raining ... Yet! in West Yorkshire, it's probably only a matter of time before it gets here

  25. no rain in tha dirty south

  26. Its cloudy and overcast, but not raining here in Cumbria.

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