
Is it rare to actually scream?

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when you're having a bad dream is it rare to scream at the top of your lungs? or do a lot of people do this when they have a really bad nightmare? thanks.




  1. I have never screamed while I was dreaming. But I'm sure its not "rare"

  2. i have screamed in my sleep when i was sleep walking. it is uncommon but it does happen. well, when i woke up i thought it was still happening, but unless you are posesed, then it is impossable

  3. It's hard to.

  4. This is why movies sometime suck. They usually show ppl screaming of bad dream while it's nearly impossible to do that.

    I'm guessing the reason we don't actually scream is because whatever it is in your brain that trigures your vocal chords isn't being trigured while you're sleeping. I'm sure it is possible to scream in your sleep just like it's possible to talk aloud and cry in your sleep, but I guess it depends on how deep of a sleep you're in and what's going on in your dream. So not being able to scream is normal, for me and some of my friends anyway. Hope that helped.

  5. When you're asleep and dreaming (in a rem cycle) your body is paralized. Its very hard to scream during a nightmare.

  6. when i get nightmare i do scream and wake up. sometime my family hear it and sometimes they dont. sometime i cry and wake up and i actually cried while i was sleeping..but one time my bf said i made crying face with crying noise...but no tears,,,

  7. you can make noises when you're dreaming, and you can laugh and stuff, but i would guess it's rare to scream because it's a lot of work for your vocal chords and it's kind of hard to do that when you're asleep.

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