I've been trying to fire an employee who performance is unsatisfactory. However, my HR manager told me that I had to give written warnings to the employee before we can fire him. I followed the policy but everytime the employee would just denied those mistakes and complained to the HR manager that I had treated him unfairly. I was told by my HR manager that if an employee complained about he had received "unfair" treatment at work, the employee may use this reason to form a union and that will create lots of troubles to the company. Simply saying, the HR manager is just asking me to tolerance this employee to avoid him to bring more troubles to the company. I asked the HR manager if we could just fire this employee with compensation (like 2 months's wages), but the HR manager told me eventhough we compensated him, the employee can still sue the company for "wrongful dismissal" and it will create even more liability to the company. Is this true? Anyone lawyer here can give me advices?