
Is it realistic to believe that love can't be measured? Then what is the reason why we can fall OUT of love?

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The only reasonable assumption we can make for the underlying reason we fall out of love that maybe it wasn't love... But, then what was it? Heavy in Like? Even heavy in Like is still a form a love. Heavy in Like would then be a level of love... not totally love, but a level. And if there is a level, that means you can measure it...

What do you think?




  1. Is it realistic to believe that love can't be measured?

    Yes--- that is a realistic conclusion when considering the many components--- and of course the components vary by individual.


    Then what is the reason why we can fall out of love?

    Loving one never really stops since the memory is always within your mind.

    Perhaps it is good to consider the change in variables that originally were included in the decision, " i am in love". In going through this examination we may often understand our original understanding of the variations making up the "love potion" may have received improper consideration.

  2. Love does not have degree or levels it is always Infinitely represents itself in innumerable  forms..Attempt to measure immeasurable comes down to simple judgment with presence of doubts..(may be it wasn't love? Perfect Symbiosis of a doubtful judgment) Heavy in Like is personal perceptions of a particular form of Love,perceived through doubts or fears. Out of personal perceptions a doubtful judgment emerges and a verdict appear:Heavy in Like! .Judgment. Although it would be only matter of perspective...There is many whom does not see Love as Heavy in Like. It had been said that Love cannot be judged . Judgment transforms Love to something which appear to be  questionable. Collection of certain fears let you to perceive Love as Heavy, although at first it is never heavy.It is heavy before the fact or after the fact. During the fact when Love wipe out fears, you are a Light at all means. Do you notice that loved ones is not judgmental? They exist somewhere in different world, and it is so. Stop fracture Love , better remember "  Judge not"  That Jesus saying is profoundly deep...

  3. Because we are on wrong track. I give wrong meaning to it.

  4. Love is and will always be subjective.

    Someone can feel like they are in love to a certain degree, but you can't compare that to how much someone else is in love, or how deeply in love they feel.  

    Like you said, someone who's heavy in like may consider it love, but someone else wouldn't. So as long as love remains subjective, you can never measure or quantify it in any way outside of your own situation.

  5. It isn't that kind of science. There are so many variables it's almost impossible to answer this question, and for me, it is.

  6. It depends how you define love.  If you define it as a feeling then it was love, because you felt it.  It just didn't last forever.  Who says love has to be forever?  I'm not sure if you can measure it with an instrument but you can certainly feel the intensity within yourself.

    Perhaps falling in love is based on a certain amount of ignorance about the beloved.  Perhaps one is in love with an image of the person and not the real person, and once more is learned, the image and the love dissappears.  Some describe love as an action, the nurturing of another's happiness and spirit, rather than describing it as a feeling, which can certainly happen after one falls out of love.

    But then there's that cloud of bliss that one floats in when one falls in love, that always disappears.  But just becuase we're not in a cloud of bliss, doesn't mean you don't love the person.  Just means you don't feel blissful all the time.

    Will the real love please stand up?

  7. Can love be measured? Yes, but each person's measurements would be different.  I love my son totally different then I love his father or my own mother for that fact.  I would die for my son, lose both my arms and legs but not so much for his dad although I consider myself in love with his dad.

    How can you fall out of love?  Easy, because the love changes.  As people mature they change and that's natural.  Sometimes you can change together and the love stays the same... Sometimes when you change you grow apart and as this happens you love diminishes.  

  8. I think love can be measured, even though I don't exactly understand what connection you think there is between "measure" and falling out of love. In any event, many great works, such as the Bible (the Sermon on the Mount, for example) and Shakespeare's play, "Measure for Measure," suggest that love extended to one person should be matched in the same measure in return.

  9. You can fall deeply in love in a flash, and that love is not measurable. When people fall out of love, it seldom happens suddenly - more like a phasing out. Sometimes love may be replaced by dislike (or very rarely, even hatred), but in 99% of cases it remains a strong affection.  

  10. I see it like this

    Love doesnt exist.

    And if it does then a lot people have no idea wat it is.

    Just cuz u think somebody is s**y and u like talking to them doesnt make it love...

    As i see it, if love exists,

    It is a genuine concern for another person's physical, mental and emotional well-being

    This means u care for this person just as much or more than u do about urself.

    And if u genuinely LOVE someone u cant UN-LOVE them

    Even if they are with someone else u want the best for them and dont want them harmed or treated no less then they deserve

  11. It all depends on the individual, love is way too complicated to generalize.

    When it come to me, once I love you, you have a place in my heart forever. At the same time, it is very hard for me to reach the point of love, and rarely do I even think I am in love. I usually have to know you for a few years, and get pissed off at you at least once to reach the point of love. Even then, hmm

  12. I guess you can be a calvinist????


  14. You can find ways to measure what ever you want to measure, but there is no way to come up with any system that is perfectly accurate because of the amount of factors that are involved could be potentially infinite  You can do to the accuracy that you need however.

    Love like any emotion can be measured with questionnaires and scores, but you need to be sure to prove it.

    You need to know at what point what happens and to what extent and compare it with something else.

    You would need to be able to measure the effects and prove the correlations and so on.

    It is like measuring temperature, humidity and even pain.

    Snow Man

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