
Is it really all down to the edit? BB9?

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Last night on the live feed they were playing games and having a whale of a time and it was pretty much all down to Rex. He was organising games and making everyone laugh but non of this was shown. I don't watch the live feed often so was wondering just how influential is the edit?




  1. purple i watched the live feed the night before and they were doin the same thing then, all playing games and having a laugh, mikey was in bed but all the other housemates were there, no arguements everyone was having a good time, i thought they might show it last night but they never...

  2. Docs  gonna love this  question  purps  yeah  it is , BB  do  it every  year  , i  don't  watch  much  of the  live  feed  but they clearly  edit  their  faves  in a certain way,  i  said  this  in a  question  yesterday that   i read  somewhere  that  Nicole  let  slip  that   Darnell   was  a  fave to win  and  Kat  said  something  like  "  why  Darnell  " as  if  to  say   wtf  has  he  done  ,  but  did  they  show  her  having the  hump  about  it   no  because  they   know  she's popular  with  the  public   shes  such  a fake and i've been  saying it  for  weeks  now  but  they  edit  it showing  us  as  sweet  Kat  thats  always  there  for  everyone  

    the  same  way they  edited  Mikey  to be  a  dirty  perv  in the beginning  he  still is  but  peeps have  forgotten  about  that  and have  turned their attention  to  Mo  being the  disgusting one  , but they  don't  fool  me  i've had  my  firm  faves  from  the  beginning   despite the heavy  editing    

  3. I think most of the housemates like Rex.  Darnell said he was his mate when he chatted in the diary room.

    Of course they will edit it to feed the frenzy that is going on on the outside.  Rex used to be funny.  They can't put the words into Rex and Nicole's mouths though.  She is spoilt and he is a k**b.

  4. I watch a lot of BB Live both during the day and late at night and there's loads of 'bits' which get edited out and not shown - and good bits at that !

  5. I would think the edit would be very influential.  Who has the time to watch all the live feed, we can only duck in and out.  That said, the edit is just that, it's not made up.  So we do get a good idea of how the hms are behaving.  Rex is a Jekyll and Hyde character, he can be really entertaining and funny and then he becomes a real pain in the a@se.  Nicole has a lot to do with it.  I actually liked him before she went in.

  6. they only show bits that make certain people out to be nice guys and others out to be evil (like rex).so even if most of the time someone is nice, on the highlights they may be seen as a horrible person. BB does this because they dont care about what actually happens they just want conflict,viewers, and voters

  7. I can't get the live feed Purple so have to rely on what I read on here and the links people put on here too.  I would definitely say the highlights influence me because I am sometimes gobsmacked when I get to see the real picture when it is expanded on here.  Sometimes it is nothing like what happens in the highlights.

  8. its all about the edit, they will only air that which will keep the general public interested and talking.

    Although Rex can be a bit annoying I am so with him on the hating Mikey thing

  9. the edit is definitely an influence. but i'm sure the people in charge are at times fair :S

  10. i was saying the same thing today, this is the closest BB final ever with there still being no clear winner with two weeks to go. nicole will definitely go this week. mo or rex will go next week and after them it is pretty much even stevens with people all having the same number of fans so i think BB's editing will play a masive part in people deciding on a winner. most people will make their mind up during the last week on what they are shown on that particular night. i wouldn't be surprised if the bookies favourite changes on a daily basis!!

  11. very influential, when cameron won bb what ever number it was they never showed the bit when he thought it was right to use the belt on children, and that from a Christian!!!.But rex is an utter tw*t  

  12. Dunno Purple, even wankers can have their good days but BB hasn't shown much of his on their nightly hourly show have they!

  13. Yes, it's all down to the editing when it comes to shows like BB.

    I just pretend like I don't know and play along.

  14. People who watch live feed will often say that events/incidents are completely falsified to meet the BB TV agenda.

    Say they want someone like Mikey to look bad one week...well, it's easy to pick up on all bad things and ignore when he's being positive or normal or liked.

    At present, Mikey's getting a "good press" but it's worth remembering that it's nearly all spin.

    Except when it's Nicole.

    Not even the most biased BB producers could make her look kind or decent or thoughtful.

  15. you are spot on!!!! big brother DOES try and influence the public's opinions on who BIG BROTHER WANTS to win/or be evicted.....they have been doing it for the past/and in this series i have seen them copy and paste two different conversations together to make a housemate look good/bad....e.g this year's alex's infamous gangster statements...when alex was sitting on the sofa stating that she was gonna get call her gangster friends, pow,pow....this conversation.alex had with darnell and i watched it live on e4 and it went on for 30mins. the channel 4 show edited her words into 2mins. Her words where taken SO out of context,which she argued in the diary room before getting the boot(i'm not defending her,i could'nt stand her)...and there are many other examples of the biased editing that big brother do...for people who don't get to watch the live feed,they are REALLY missing out on what REALLY has gone on in the house....!! Another example is Kat, all the channel 4 show shows is her little innocent thai child act, but watching the live feed you see the vile gameplaying creature she is, the looks of pure evil she gives everyone(including rachel) would shock people who only watch the c4 show.

  16. It's probably influential to a certain extent- they could be cutting out bits that might have influenced someone's views on someone if they had been shown. But they can't be cutting out anything too drastic or you would hear the other housemates saying something about it at some stage. I guess we'll never really know what the housemates are really like unless you live with them.  

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