
Is it really always better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?

by  |  earlier

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Does it matter how you lost, that is, do death, betrayal, or finding out things you didn't know, or couldn't know, all lead to the same conclusion?




  1. no, you can't miss what you never had

  2. It is undoubtedly better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.You will also become more adept at knowing what is right for you as you gain more knowledge from each experience.Just take care of your emotions, and things will be fine.

    Remember,it isn't an exact science,if it were,you wouldn't be asking the question.You have ultimate control---use it wisely to determin what is right for you.

  3. For about two years I thought that phrase was such a big fat lie, because I had lost, and it hurt like nothing else had ever hurt me. Then I found a new love that was better than the first, and I see that if I hadn't been hurt the first time, I couldn't have been completed in the new love.

    I have no idea why you ask this or what your circumstances are. I'm just telling you about what happened to me.

  4. its always better to love, its the most perfect emotion, and it hurts like h**l, its got its ups and downs, but its always worth it if you choose not to love then your choosing not to live really, because life is all about the adventure and risk, and love is always one big adventure.

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