
Is it really any of our business that governor Palin's daughter is pregnant?

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Palins daughter isn't running for office




  1. Like Obama said today, keep the family off limits.

  2. Its not our business that the daughter is pregnant but it is our business that the mother (the VP pick) lied about it and tried to cover it up. It shows that she is poor at being a mother. And considering that she doesn't have much experience as a politician either, that's just a sad situation.

    But show me a politician that is clean today?

    Politicians are only a reflection of society at large and no democrat can can argue they are a better person morally than a republican. I don't think republicans are better morally either. They are just better at hiding their mistakes. Again, this is just a reflection of society today and the problems we face together. Support change. Vote Obama and Bidden!!

  3. absolutely not... and to those that say its sarah palins fault she cant control her daughter are ignorant.  her daughter is nearly an adult!  happen all the time in this country... the dems are just acting all holier than thou bc its mccains runnin mate....

    even if you teach abstinence teenagers still rebel!

  4. You are right on there, it is none of our business if the girl is pregnant. My daughter got pregnant very young and married her baby's dad and it worked well for them so, I feel like it is a personal family matter.

  5. Liberals never get pregnant before marriage now do they---hee hee hee

    ---or if they do---they have the good sense to kill it.

    way too many bricks are being thrown from glass-houses.

  6. No. Sarah made it everyones' business when she runs on a platform of abstinence and shoves family values down our throats.

  7. No.

  8. No, it isn't.  What is our business is that there seems to be something less than the whole truth coming out of Sarah Palin's mouth.  I either don't want to hear about her family's business at all, or I want to hear it all, one time, straightforward and honestly, so I can forget about it.  I don't care about the pregnancies at all; they are not relevant to politics and none of my business.

    Unfortunately, the Palins seem to have chosen a third way of dealing with these issues:  months of cover-ups, scrubbed photos, tall tales, and signs of very poor judgement (like taking an eight-hour plane ride while in labor with a Down Syndrome baby).  This speaks to a level of deceit which I am not comfortable in a VP candidate, and THAT is our business.

    Oh, and to all the people on "the left" who get off on posting things like "How can Palin control our country when she can't control her daughter" and "is John McCain Palin's daughter's baby daddy":  Shut up.  Your lust for tabloid-level c**p is no better than the "Obama is a Muslim terrorist" garbage, and you're not helping anyone.  Shut up.  

    The pregnancy, and whatever sense of morality you choose to attach to it, is NOT the issue, at least not outside of the Palin family.  Palin's honesty about it is all that should matter to anyone else.

  9. I agree, we should all follow Obama's lead and take the high road.

    Besides, who do you think will be convinced to vote for Obama when his supporters act like this?

  10. if she's running for VP, it doesn't matter if it's our business or not. we'll still talk about it, and some will use that information to judge her competence. i'm not saying if that's right or wrong, only that it will happen.

  11. sarah palin is our business.. shes running for VP!! therefore.. practice what u preach.. YES its our business!

  12. The Governor is dead set against s*x education in schools.  She believes in abstinence only education.  What does it say about her that she supports a policy that doesn't even work in her own household?  It says to me that she has no ability to think critically.  If a policy fails you try something else; you don't keep following the same useless ideas.

    Palin supports abstinence-only because she is a religious fundamentalist.  She doesn't care that this kind of "education" doesn't work.  That makes her an ideologue, unfit for such high office.  You're darned skippy that this is our business.

  13. Yes, because Palin is one of the people trying to pass laws about everyone else's morality, and, in the past, has been very critical of others in the same situation.

  14. No, it wasn't our business. Apparently her mother thought that it was.

  15. Yes it's our business!! She does not want s*x education in schools. maybe if they had s*x education in school her daughter would not be pregnant.

    She wants to run the U.S. She needs to answer the question if her judgement is correct. If abstenence education is the right way to go, why is her daughter pregnant. it will go towards the policies she puts forth.

  16. Palin can't even control her teenage daughter, how will she control our CUNTry if something happens to McCain? lol

  17. But Sarah Palin is, and the fact that she is such a negligent mother makes one wonder about her fitness for high office. Do you trust someone who can't take proper care of a child to take proper care of a nation?

  18. no its none of our business, and yes the hypocrisy of it all is amazing

  19. I could care less.  The ones that will have an issue are the christian right republicans.  They are the votes that Palin was suppose to shore up.  They have never supported teenage pregnancy.

  20. When she accepting the VP she opened her family. She knew that.

    She also knew her daughter was pregnant and she still accepted McCains offer. She PUT her daugher in this positon. She also put her daughter's boyfriend in this position.

    Palin was looking after advancing her own career at the expense of her daughter!

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