
Is it really bad for your unborn baby if you stop smoking?

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My friend is 10 weeks pregnant and is "trying" to quit but claims that her doctor told her that quitting is worse for the baby. Every time I turn around she has a cigarette in her mouth and she tries to hide it. She's been my friend for 8 years and has smoked since I met her and I gave up trying make her stop but now there's another life involved. Is it really bad for the baby if she stops cold turkey or slows down or she feeding me bull? Please respond only if you have some sort of medical advice..this is kind of serious...thanks! :)




  1. sometimes quitting cold turkey can be very stressful on baby, but cutting down drastically is important, i know how hard it is to quit and the pro's outweigh the cons

  2. A girl I new told me the same thing. the doc told her that the baby was addicted to it as well and if she stopped the baby would be upset and blah blah blah i dont agree with but she told me the same thing as well as her momma did.

  3. Tell her to quit NOW, its not good to smoke while being pregnant anyways!

  4. I quit cold turkey. I have the most perfect little boy. Healthy as an ox...... The doctor says that if you try and try and try and you are doing things that are more harmful to your pregnancy then it could be bad to quit smoking. If she's not going to throw herself down a flight of stairs if she can't have a cigg. Then the docs got a point. But no way jose' she can quit cold turkey and she needs to. I have the healthiest baby of all my friends. And I quit smoking and then I don't smoke around my son at all. She needs to think about that. She can't smoke with the baby in the house. She can't smoke with the baby in the car. She can't just take the baby outside with her on her lap while she smokes. I would be very mad at my friend. She's selfish and she's choosing herself over her child and that's sick. That just shows what kinda mom she's going to be.

  5. She's telling yuo the truth!

    I tried to give up smoking my whole pregnancy then at 32 weeks i just went cold turkey thinkin it's better than never, The next day she was born 8 weeks early and flown to a bigger hospital with a NICU.

    She was born so early because going cold turkey shocked my body and i was having nictoine withdrawls that sent me into labour!

    My friend also quit cold turkey at 22 weeks she also went into premature labour 18 weeks early but sadly her baby died before it was born.

  6. She is lying to you. She has to stop smoking now.

  7. what doctor does she goes to??  

    ive heard its okay to smoke up until the second trimester of pregnancy but that i also heard from just some people...

    its NOT okay to smoke while youre pergnant period.

    when my doctor asked me if i still smoke i told her that i quit cold turkey and she said i was doing the right thing for the little one...

    no doctor will tell you that its BAD to quit smoking when you are pregnant...

    i think your friend needs a slap on the face =(

  8. My ob/gyn told me the same thing when I was pregnant with my first... He said that quitting cold turkey would cause a lot of stress, and that would affect the baby negatively. But he also said to make sure I kept it to under 1/2 a pack a day... I ended up smoking about 3 cigarettes per day. When I got pregnant with my second, my husband and I decided to quit, it didn't cause any damage, and I'm so glad now that we did. The first week or so is very challenging, and very stress full, but after that, you're fine, it gets easier with time. I believe her about what her Ob/Gyn said, but I would still urge her to quit. What ultimately got me, was that I didn't want my kids seeing me smoke, and think it's ok.

  9. im 36 weeks and I quit in the middle of my baby is fine probaly even better than before....shes just lying to you and if she isnt than she should find a new doctor...someone w/ more common sense...its only going to make it harder for her in the end....the baby will get sick easier and have asthma....being healthy is not only good but its cheap

  10. WOW- you sound like a very controlling best friend. While you have your friends (and her baby's) best interest at heart you probably need to back off. It's her baby, and her body. I'm not saying it's right that she's smoking,but unless you are going to pay for the child, get up in the middle of the night with the child, feed the child,bathe the child, and had a part in making the child, you should probably back off a bit. A little concern can go a long way, when you have a baby, you can set a good example. BTW- do you smoke? and are you smoking around her? That's just as bad.

  11. Your friend is lying. Nicotine is a drug and it will only harm an unborn child as it will your friend. She needs to get some help and quit. It cause birth defects in babies. Shes telling you that so you  can lay off. Get her some help

  12. Going cold turkey can be harder on mom and baby because withdrawl can be horrible so they usually recommend cutting back every by as many as they can handle to go without in hopes that after a few days they will be off completely.  I am not a smoker but my mom is and she was before she had me and she said going cold turkey when she found out she was pregnant with me was HORRIBLE.  She said that the withdrawl alone left her nervous and shakey for a couple of months and actually affected my heartrate I guess and then after 2 months she finally started to calm down but she would get stressed easy and the Dr said it was affecting me.  It is one thing for a new smoker to go cold turkey but after a few years of smoking it is a very hard thing to go through just like with any other drug.

  13. I thought that stopping would help the baby! If you keep smoking while your prego, that is still bad. It is sorta like saying dont stop smoking while your pregnat. Everyone knows that smoking is bad anyay for your own living body. But with a new life form forming, and giving it harmful chemicals, then stopping, I thought that should help. You should call a few pediatricians. What the doctor told your freinds is what he had said. Other doctors might say otherwise. I hope that the baby is healthy. And she is your friend. REally really talk to her and ask her. Not quitting and having the baby coming out deformed is the worst cenario.  Everyone says to "Quit!" anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I hope thos helps. Hope the baby comes out healthy!!!

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