
Is it really banned to have tatoos for a Muslim ? If the tatoo is not a creature? Even if it is a CRESCENT ?

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I saw a girl who had a "crescent and a star " tatoo on her shoulder, and she wasn't even Muslim...And that was quite awesome and very elegant....

I wonder if we Muslims could be allowed to have some tatoos like this ?

Or even some other tatoos; which of course don't represent creatures ?...

Thank you in advance for the answers.




  1. Self-harm isn't allowed in Islam whether the tattoo resembles a creature or a crescent . You might be able to get one without self injury ; I'm not sure.

  2. no eyes on the tatoo just dont get it  

  3. It's forbidden. We are Allah's creation, this body doesn't belong to us entirely, it belongs to Allah swt too..

    And what benefit will it do to us anyway, if we have a "crescent" tattoo? None.

    Just to flaunt? No thanks!

    Will we get to heaven for it? No.

  4. Not only in Islam is it band but Judaism in even Christianity tattoos are forbidden

    The Bible/ Torah

    Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.

    Lev 19:28 (NIV)

    You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the LORD.

    Lev 19:28 (NKJ)



    And surely I will lead them astray, and surely I will arouse desires in them, and surely I will command them and they will cut the cattle' ears, and surely I will command them and they will change Allah's creation. Whoso chooseth Satan for a patron instead of Allah is verily a loser and his loss is manifest. (119)

  5. they are very against it.

    but i know muslims who have tattoos.

  6. Yep, still banned.

  7. Salam

    You have to keep in mind the fact that body piercing, tattooing, branding, etc. all fall in the category of unnecessary interference, alteration and mutilation of Allah’s creation. Therefore, no Muslim, who is conscious of his religion, should ever contemplate such activities.

    REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE TATTOO is about, tattooing permanently disfigures the face and other parts of the body with colored pigment and repulsive designs. Some Arabs, especially women, are in the habit of tattooing large areas of their bodies. People of certain religious sects tattoo pictures of their deities or religious rituals on their hands and chests. The pain and agony that the person experiences from the needles piercing skin add to these images. Because of all of this, both the tattooer and the one who is tattooed have been cursed


  8. I don't know for sure but I don't think there is any explicit statements saying "Tattoo is a SIN" in the Kuran. Your timing is perfect though, I just decided to have a seagull tattoo before school starts! I have been thinking on what to have for months, I wanted it to be something special, then it just popped in my head, yes a seagull!

  9. im not muslim but hubby is and he says is very bad in his religion to get a tattoo or piercing..I dont know why though..

  10. erm NO! Tattoo's of any form are forbidden in Islam. Why do you keep referring to creatures it makes zero difference what the tattoo is its totally 100% Haram. End of.

    Its not just a sin for muslims but for Jews and Christians too. Although christians seem to be very lax when it comes to following such forbidden things....

  11. People get religious stuff tattoed on them all the time. Its like a trend here for people to get hindu Gods tattooed on their body. People get tattooes of things in chinese writting when they dont even speak that language! Its kinda stupid if you ask me. I guess it is forbidden for Muslims to get tattoos. If you had the tattoo before you became a Muslim then there is no harm done!i It's just scar tissue anyways!i It makes no sense when some people say it blocks wudu.... That is just false, it does not block wudu, its like a scar, it heals, thats just like saying a cut blocks wudu....

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