
Is it really common to have breakdowns during pregnancy? Get so scared about raising a baby?

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I had one on the weekend, I have NO idea what tipped me over the edge but I just went into a mood.

I didn't talk to anyone for over two hours and just cried the whole time.

Hormones are pretty crazy I know....but I didn't know that they could make you feel so low.

Have you ever had the same thing happen? What are your experiences with it and what set you off??

Im probably lucky it didn't last long.




  1. If you continue to have issues like this make sure you talk to your doctor. Those hormones do crazy things to you when you are pregnant! You'll also want to be on the alert after the baby is born for post partum depression. I was bad enough with my daughter that I actually went on anti depressants in the third trimester.

    I also told my husband that his job while I was pregnant was to say "Everything will be okay". Even if he didn't feel it, that was what I needed him to say.  

  2. I had 2 of them last week....nothing could stop me from crying horrible. But don't think you can do anything about it but laugh later.  :)

  3. you always get mood swings when pregnant, but you could be stressing because you know there is another life your going to have to take care of. DONT LOSE IT! im sure you'll be fine!

  4. ya it normal somethimes im like omg i pregnant what am i gonna do im 32 weeks andi have craz feeling like i dont to have a baby and i dont know if im gonn be a good mom bt it normal i talked to my doc alot cuz i feel bad bout te stuff that i was thinking and he said it hormones  

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