
Is it really harmful or is it just talking?

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hey everyone i am a 16 years old boy and i want to ask is masturbating harmful, i mean does it make pimples or cancer or makes the body hair grow and does it make you stop getting taller or somthing cuz i was getting taller and taller till i started masturbating and used to do it like everyday but now i do it from 1 to 2 times a week. so i want to know is it harmful or not.




  1. No, no, no, no, no. Masturbation is not harmful, it's actually healthy. It helps relieve stress, clean the prostate, etc. The only time it could be harmful is if you were to do it too hard and tear a blood vessel (keep in mind it's not that easy), or do it too much "dry" and cause chaffing of the p***s skin.

    Other than that, it's perfectly safe.

  2. No harm will come to you from masturbation in moderation.  Ask your Dad to buy you a book written for teenagers called "What's Happening to My Body?" -- the edition for boys.  He can find it in the TEENAGE SECTION of any large book store.  If he does not want to, ask him if he is willing to answer questions about s*x matters for guys since you do not want to hear it from other guys who don't know what they are talking about.

    Tell him if he wants to read it before he allows you to read it, that's OK with you.

  3. everyone masturbates and it will not cause harm

  4. It is perfectly normal and healthy, It absolutely will not effect your growth or cause cancer.  

  5. go for it dude

  6. It is not harmful.

    It's natural and healthy.

    Nothing to worry about.

  7. dude if u play with your willy you will die...STOP it

  8. its not harmful at all.

    every guy does it, and they arent all short and hairy, so you dont have to completely stop doing it.

    it makes you feel good, its not harmful :-)

    also, if this helped pick me for best answer please.

  9. It's actually very healthy for your body - this is from Wikipedia:

    "A 1997 study in the British Medical Journal based upon 918 men age 45-59 found that after a ten year follow-up, men who had fewer orgasms were twice as likely to die of any cause as those having two or more orgasms a week."

    Put another way - having at least two orgasms a week halves your chance of dying between the ages of 45 and 59.

    You can see how this makes sense - when you m********e your heart beats faster, and your breathing speeds up. Since the heart and lungs are two of the most important organs in the body, any safe activity that exercises them is good for your general health.

    Other studies have found that frequent masturbation reduces the risk of prostate cancer - a doctor who studied the evidence recommended that teenagers m********e at least six times a week. It is thought that regular ejaculation clears the prostate gland of carcinogens.

    Please read this too, and be sure to read it all through - the beginning is a bit confusing:

    Many teenage boys do it once or twice a day - Jackinworld did a survey of its readers aged 11 to 19 and obtained the following results:

    Average Masturbation Frequencies by Age:

    11: 11.1 times per week

    12: 9.4

    13: 10.6

    14: 10.6

    15: 9.9

    16: 9.6

    17: 9.4

    18: 8.5

    19: 9.3

    Remember these are averages - some will m********e more often, some less.

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