
Is it really love if.........?

by  |  earlier

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When you're single, involved w/someone who is married and you have talked marriage with this it really love when someone tells you who you can't talk to....and if you're caught talking to someone (in this case a friend of the opposite s*x you've known a long time) they threaten to end the relationship/call off wedding? I say it's not love. I truly loved someone it wouldn't matter who you talked to...........yes or no And no, i'm not involved in this - just an observer of this fiasco




  1. That person may think he or she loves you, but is insecure to a fault.

    Nope, it's not true love

  2. why don't u grab a bad b-movie and see how it ends.  

    of course it's not love. it's lust. domination. control. need i say more????? sorry to tell u, but fairytales dont exist. not like that anyway.

    what do u expect that the married person leaves his/her wife/husband?

    oh pleeease! that never works out no matter how hard or how much u work at it. humans are weird creatures. they hang on to stuff bad/good don't matter. if not now later it will be an issue again.


  3. it is love...

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