
Is it really necessary?

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for my cat to have her rabies shot even if she never goes outside? When i got her from the shelter she came with her rabies shot but she has never been outside before and she is really well taken care of (spayed also) so do i need to get her rabies anyways? I have 2 dogs that live in the house with her that does go outside everyday but they are UTD on their rabies? So do i need to get it for her anyways?




  1. up until this yr i always had my housecat done. mostly because of the dogs that go out.

    but she always had a weird reaction. her backend/legs wouldn't work for a day or 2 after.

    this yr, at age 16, i decided against the shots.  

  2. A reputable vet will insist on a rabies shot at the annual physical because they have to send paperwork to the state or county. It is a good precaution because the unforeseen can happen.  Just be sure they alternate sides every year. Have them mark it in the chart.

  3. Things to consider:

    1.  Is there any chance your kitty can escape?  And if she does, is there any wildlife around for you to worry about (e.g. racoons, bats....)

    2.  If you need to take her to a cattery when you go out of town, do they require rabies vax?

    3.  Any possibility anything will get into your home that might carry rabies?

    4.  State or city laws may require rabies vax.  That doesn't mean you have to do it, but you could face a fine if they find out.

    I won't advise you, but just know that I chose not to.  My girls are strictly indoor and there's no wildlife around.  This is in spite of a city or state law that requires it.  I don't license them either (moneygrubbing city.....!)  I would have done it but my vet said it was ok not to.

  4. Nobody ever exposes their cat to rabies on propose. Accidents happen and the shot also will give her immune system a boost.

  5. You should get it anyway.  My mother-in-law's cat bit a pet sitter while they were on vacation and her indoor cat was accidentally not up to date on rabies (it was supposed to be done when the cat went in for a dental cleaning and it found it was not done when animal control checked the records after the bite was reported by the hospital).  The cat is now in quarantine for 10 days because the pet sitter had to go the emergency room.  If the cat had the shot, quarantine would not have been required.

  6. Yes this is a hard one, I have 3 cats, two had all their shots when I got them from the rescue, they are afraid of their own shadow so getting out it not an option, but not sure if I will be forced to get them a shot if they go in for a check up one day. My older kitty is diabetic, she cant get shots due to her illness. So my vet does not force the issue hope this helps. GOOD LUCK

  7. If it is the law, you have no choice.  However, most vets will allow three years on a rabies vaccination if the cat is indoor only.

    Here is the issue.  If she should escape, and gets a wound, a vet will be legally unable to treat her, but will be required to assume she has a chance of rabies, and put her in quarantine, at your expense, or euthanization.

    And while I don't know of any place that does this, where I live animal control can come to your house and demand to see a rabies certificate.  Failure to produce one results in up to a $300 per day fine per animal.

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