
Is it really necessary the teacher to explain how to do something for 30 minutes?

by  |  earlier

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Every day in school I go through the same thing. I sit down in (let's say math) class. My teacher goes on for almost an hour sometimes how to do a certain math problem on the board.

I open my book and read the simply instructions myself and finish the work way before she finishes talking.

The rest of my classmates are still listening to the teacher because they still can't figure it out.

Does anyone else go through this?




  1. maybe you should be in a ap class

  2. ok your a genius want a cookie. won't you use your free time to solve the energy crisis

  3. to some, yes it is important. i had this teacher when i was in 10th grade, who didnt explain anything!!!! she would talk SO fast and expect us to have every single word written down. she would give us work to do, and thats it! about 8 people failed her class that year, and i was one of them! and there were only about 15 students in that class! she was fired the next year. not only was she a terrible teacher, she was an alcoholic and drank during class.

    i wish i had a teacher that cared if her students passed or failed. if i did, i wouldnt have failed that class along with 7 other people. so, if you can figure things out before other people, just sit there and be quiet. not everyone is as fortunate as you are.

  4. A teachers job is to ensure that the student learns how to master the skill successfully, so if that entails 30 minutes of teaching to ensure the class as a whole understands so be it. Teachers also take a certain amount of time to fill up the schedule class time, teachers cant come in if a class is from 6-8 and teach for 10 minutes then leave. They also do this to reduce the number of repetitive questions asked over and over. If you feel that you are more advanced for a course maybe you should sign up for honors courses so that you may be a little more challenged.

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