
Is it really necessary to tell the person you have divorced that it is over?

by  |  earlier

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And that there is no chance of getting back together? Surely the fact that you divorced them says it all! Or is it just another form of manipulation by them trying to get you to say words they want you to?




  1. It is just manipulation.  The divorce decree should say everything.

  2. It is just another form of manipulation.  You don't need to even be communicating with them unless you have kids.  Regardless, just say it and mean it.

  3. Sometimes you just need to simply reiterate things so people don't get any ideas.

  4. could be manipulation, but your divorced tell them to frack off.

  5. Many of the problems you may be facing could be just the tip of the iceberg

    on what is really happening in your marriage. I dont mean to scare you but

    many problems when they either first show up or if they keep reoccurring

    could be just whats showing from a larger problem that either you or your

    spouse cannot even see. One of the only things you can do to help is to talk

    honestly and openly with each other in the marriage. If things become more

    serious more serious options need to be looked at as possibilities. I have a

    blog that has more information on some of what I've been writing about. If

    you feel like checking it out I would completly suggest it.

    Love is a choice that is made everyday when you wake up and every night when

    you go to sleep. Some days you may not feel the original feeling but love

    isnt a feeling or an emotion. Its an action a verb. Falling out of love may

    just mean you need to spice things up a little or that you were never in

    love in the first place. Don't just get out of a marriage just because you

    don't think you like the person anymore.

  6. There's no need to discuss it with them at all.  You can't be manipulated if you don't engage in the conversation.

  7. Well obviously the other person is in denial about the divorce being final and they are still trying to communicate and be in touch with you... its their desperate plea for attention... their last attempt before they lose the marriage.

  8. I'd say divorce is pretty final.

  9. If they don't have the d**n sense to figure it out for themselves, then that's their problem, not mine. And I refuse to waste my breath on them.  

  10. i would think that if you're divorced then that's it, they don't get the point? divorce IS over unless they were under the impression that you were going to be dating afterward lol!

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