
Is it really necessary to visit a dental hygenist twice a year as well as my dentist?

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My previous dentist only wanted to see me once a year & never recommended that I saw a hygenist. The practice has been taken over, and the new dentist referred me to a hygenist at my last inspection, and has sent a circular out stating that he recommends visiting the dentist & hygenist twice a year each at different times(meaning an appointment every 3 months). When did it become unquestionable that I have to see a hygenist so often? Is this dentist profiteering?




  1. I personally feel that it is just another way to get more money from you. I have only once been to a hygenist, this was when I had to go private, and I will never go again! I just didn't like it, saw it as unnecessary, and she wouldn't believe me when I told her that it hurt when she was doing the scaling bit.

    I am now NHS, and have been NHS all my life apart from a year or two, and never seen a hygenist there.

    People can survive with decent teeth without hygenists, I reckon.

  2. Times change and we do try and look after ourselves a tad better than Stone Age man. If you want good teeth and healthy gums regular visits to the hygienist will help.

  3. It is essencial for the hygenists, but not for you. Follow your dentist`s advice.

  4. Yep.

    The hygenist as far as I am aware just ensures you are cleaning your teeth properly and checkes for plaque.

    It is just a money making racket.

    Cut out the hygenist and just visit your dentist twice a year.

  5. To my mind, this is just another way to introduce yet another

    fee earning person into the lucrative empire. Give it a fancy title, and you have another reason to spend money on something .......they'll soon be introducing a financial planner person to discuss how you can pay for the treatment !

  6. It is good to see the hygenist twice a year. However, most dentists do an oral evaluation at the end of the hygenist's cleaning. The hygenist tells the dentist what he/she found...and the dentist does an overall evaluation. If nothing is found, there is no need for an additional appointment. If the hygenist and dentist find a problem, they usually set an appointment to address the problem. It sounds as if your dentist is arranging extra, unnecessary appointments. Since he is new, having taken over someone else's practice, it appears he is trying to keep himself busy. Once his practice builds up, he won't want to waste time with unnecessary appointments.  

  7. no not necessary if you clean your own teeth adequately and noone acn make you go it's your choice. you mention it's a new dentist .... perhaps your old dentist was ignoring you periodontal condition... which isn;t uncommon but when leads to tooth loss is grounds to sue.

    NHS price of exam covers the treatment of gum disease so no money making scheme there I'm afraid people.

    See the hygienist and ask her/him to show you why their services are required and i'm sure they only be to glad to show you, follow advice given and then hey presto perfect gums and only exams in future.

  8. no profiteering...he is just trying to provide the best service.  It is only necessary to visit the hygienist / dentist 2X a year if you wish to keep your teeth and gums healthy, need.

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