
Is it really only 100 months we have left until we reach the Tipping Point.?

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Is it really only 100 months we have left until we reach the Tipping Point.?




  1. yes.

  2. Sure, why not. In the 100 month, the runaway green house gases are gonna start to raise the temp and the oceans will boil away, and we'll all cook to death.  

  3. Yes by 100th Month the temparature on the planet will increase by 20 Degree C .

    Let's think of supporting his idea of stopping or slowing down global warming .

    We will start with suggsting People to grow trees.

    Do you know that 1 single Tree can reduce temperature upto 5 Degree of surroundings .

    1 Tree is equivalant to 10 Air Conditioners.

    After Heavy Rains 1 Tree can store enough rain Water to reduce Floods in 1 Acre of land .

    You can just Plant One tree to reduce global warming . If each one of 6 Billion population on earth plant 1 tree a year and take care of the growth of the tree then there would be 6 Billion tree in 1 year .

    Result: After 5 years Temperature will stop increasing during day time as Trees will absorb the heat from sun for Photosynthesis process . Single Tree can store enough Carbondioxide that is emitted from 100 Vehicles . This happens during Day time , During night Tree again emits Carbon dioxide that will increase night temparatures. So temparature deviation in planted area is less than 10Degree C. Maximum 35 Degree C Minimum 25 Degree C.

    A small test to see if trees really maintain temparature .

    Take a thermometer and measure day high temparature and day low temparature in Forest or any thick greenery place and  barren land .

    Now note down the day high and day low in forest.

    Go to a barren land where there are no trees note down the day high and day low near barran land .

    You can see that the differance between Max and minimum temparature varies more than 20 C in Barran land where as in Forest it is only 10 C variation.

  4. If you did your research you'd find out that the levels of global warming being "predicted" by random weirdos is actually a load of bull. In the worst case climate change will increase sea levels by a maximum of 31 centimeters by 2050.

  5. No.

  6. No, global warming ended in 1998.  That record high temperature will probably stand for a long time.  

  7. there is no proper mechanism which can provide you the exact time.

    but either in 100 months or 100 years it will happen.  

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