
Is it really possible for me to grow anymore?

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I'm 14 and 5 feet 3 inches.

I got my period when I was 12.

My dad is 6'1, mom is 5'0 and my sister is 5'7.

When I got my period I was 5'0 or 5'1, so I've only grown 2 or 3 inches in 2 years!

My doc said girls don't grow much after they get their periods, but this other doctor said that as long as I'm growing a quarter of an inch per year, that I'm still growing.

I don't know what to believe!

Is it possible for me to grow anymore? I really wanna be 5'7, but I don't know if I could POSSIBLY reach that height.

So is it possible for me to grow anymore?




  1. puberty doesn't end until age 24 so you have plenty of time to grow

  2. I acculy dont know how long is 5 feets !!.. =P

    Im not an American.. I learned m an cm

    and if it short.. It seems like your parents re short to so its in your genes..

    and those doctors take on the avrage of the pationts they had..


  3. yes, you will still grow taller

  4. You are only 14 and woman stop growing by the age of 18. Men developed later than girls so they stop growing when they turn about 21or 22 depends.... But don't worry you might just grow 3 or 2 inches more.

  5. Okay...I am in the exact same pedicament. I am fourteen and 4'10. I got my period at twelve too. You grow slower after that. My parents and doctors are concerned about my height and have me take this growth horomone, btw injected daily, to speed up my growth. Yes you are still growing. But you aren't that short 5'3 is not bad. Look at me, I am 4'10 If you want to know more about this medicine, I have the website on it listed in sources. Yoiu will still grow, just slower than before. Hope this helps!

  6. It's possible.  very possible.  they are just guessing based on the average of what they saw.  people have late growth spurts all the time.

    Most likely, you will gain another inch or two.  if you are lucky, you'll get more.  I grew from 6'2" to 6'10" when i turned 22.

  7. yes you can still grow. your only 14 so your still going to puberty. same thing goes with the question "can my b***s still grow" idk about 5'7" but over the years you grow at least a few inches

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