
Is it really possible?

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Would it really be possible to make a huge carbon dioxide filter and use it over big polluted cities like LA or NY to greatly reduce global warming???

Because if someone came up with that, I would be very happy. (And that person would be very rich)





  1. The damage has been done, the Ozone layer has already been damaged......we would need to stop most factories,ect. if we really want to stop global warming. A big filter over the cities would have some kind of side effect , any time you take away nature's normal ways there will be side global warming.

  2. oh yea! no problem, no problem at all

  3. idk

  4. probaly not, but it is possible to get those people to stop using the environments rescources! There are a lot of ways to stop this, and you will be amased what 1 person can do!

  5. I dont think so. idk

  6. I don't know, but President Bush's position is that it is technology -- rather than Kyoto type restrictions -- are what will solve the problem.  But then, I wrote a college paper on global warming back in 1979 concluding that we would never get to this point because people would react before we got to this point and that technology would reduce greenhouse gasses.  I was totally wrong about the world's ability to adjust so far, but now that the world is agreed that the problem exists perhaps some smart people will be incented to develop good technology.  The beauty of your idea, if we do establish carbon credits as a free-market solution, is that cities or states might choose to invest in a regional filter that would financially benefit all industry there and therefore attract more employers to the region.  Once we make production of greenhouse gasses unprofitable rather then profitable, all sorts of innovative ideas will crop up.  Your idea sounds crazy now but we don't yet know what will become the real solutions
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