
Is it really possible to become invisible without special equipment?

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I was reading one site about how to do this but the author vanished before completing it




  1. Nope. While science has been making wonderful headway in developing materials with negative refraction properties, nothing is close to actually making something invisible.

    But that would classify as special equipment. For becoming invisible without it, again, nope. Indications to the contrary tend to be the result of mildly clever photoshop effects and tricks of photography.

  2. Who said that???

  3. Yes it is possible,

    Just be annoying.WHen you come into a room everybodies gonna pretend like they can't see you.There you go my friend ,your invisible!

  4. Well actually that would be impossible with or without special equipment no matter what you may have heard. Unless you are talking about Hollywood effects or Illusionists from a stage show.  

  5. Depends on the way you mean it. Physical invisible or invisible to the eye?

    The eye is just a receptor of the brain, you can actually make yourself invisible to the human eye, but for example an animal that can see the bodies temperature is not going to see the body invisible because its going to see the warm of the body.

    Thats why their is not such thin as magic, what wizards know how do is manipulate the human brain while their controlling their sense of reception.

    My main point is that your only invisible to the eye, matter never disappears.

  6. My mom used to tell me that children become invisible when they are silent. I found this to be true as in my youth I would quietly come into a room and hear the ladies at mom's weekly bridge games say things they would have never say if I had made my presence known. Peace&Love be with you...~M~

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