
Is it really possible to contact the dead ? How do they attempt to contact us?

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If you plan to say no or you can't provide a justification other then because dead is dead please...that is just the worst..




  1. At midnight, get a gin,stand in the middle of the road,pour some on the floor and shout his/her name three times then wait for a reply .

    You should hear a reply

  2. Some people have natural abilities and can communicate with the dead. Its like they notice the dead and the dead notice them back. To some who is passed a medium is like a small candle in a dark room. You can try to tap into your sixth sence by doing medictation techniques. If you have a recorder try doing some evp work.  (Electronic Voice Phenomona)

  3. A dead person could contact you by writing a letter to you before they died and instructing their solicitor to deliver it after they have died.

    Why do you become annoyed when you ask how something impossible can be done?

    How do I make my blood green? How do I learn to speak the language of seagulls?

    What! Can't be done? Is that the best answer you have!

  4. i think the dead contact us through our deams but we can't contact them, i saw my dead cousin once in my dreams,he only smiled,i didn't understand that but ,he was trying to contact me

  5. yes. Go to one of those guys on the internet, pay them a massive amount of money, and they'll tell you a bunch of stuff related to the information they can find on you.

  6. Yes, it is possible to come in contact with the dead.  When a ghost is able to interact with you, it is known as an intelligent haunting.  They have a variety of ways to make contact, but the most common are EVPS.

  7. If you believe there are such things as ghosts, (which I do) this is not the area for you.  It is haunted by skeptics.  Lots of them.  I use a digital recorder and look for EVP, Electronic Voice Phenomenon.  Any one can do this.  It sometimes takes practice when listening to the recordings you make, but the more you do it, the easier it gets.  There are many ways that a ghost will try to let you know they are around.  A typical haunting is usually a ghost just wanting some one to know they are there.  Are they dead people?  No one can say for sure.  All I know is that something is out there.

  8. No. When you're dead, you're dead. Just bones and eventually dust.

  9. Hello

    Those in spirit make contact in many ways, smells, touch, dreams, memories etc.

    In a lot of cases we dismiss what we sense & in others we are wrapped up in life & miss the messages.


  10. From mine and my husbands experience they let us know they are there by:

    Scents - perfume, cooking - cakes, cigarette smoke.

    Sensation - someone is watching you, warmth, cold, prickles on your skin.

    In dreams.

    Placement of objects - they turn up when they weren't there before and disappear from where they originally were.

    Visual - shadows from the corner of your eye, people appearing in front of you.

  11. From my limited experience, it's not possible to contact them except through maybe prayer. The ones who have passed over seem to hold the means to contact us. Why they do or don't is grounds for all kinds of speculation. Unfinished business, lost love, can't find the light, etc. There are good and bad hauntings, so make sure you are right with God.

    The way I get contacted is usually lots of goosebumps--that's kind of a signal that something's coming. The manifestation can take any form; lights, noises, shapes, faces or just a feeling that someone's there. I address the 'person' calmly and wait for some sense of a message or completed business, then I offer a prayer and wish them well. These events are very rare, once every few years, so I'm no medium, by any means. Just a part of life.

  12. It depends entirley on your own personal view of death, what death is and what entity is available to be contaced after the physical shell of the body has ceased to function.

    Death is a tricky subject. What is actual death. Is it when the brain has ceased functioning, or when the heart has stopped and is unable to be restarted, or when the cells in your body cease to function correctly.

    Either way, the concept of the body as a vehicle for the soul allows for the idea of an entity that can 'escape' at the time of actual death. If you find this hard to comprehend, then the soul dies with the body and no after life, except for that offered by cremation and the subsequenst scattering of the deceased ashes.

    Can the dead be contacted? well I would say no, but then when I was a kid, my school RE teacher described death as similar to that of a dragon fly leaving the pond.

    The dragon fly lives it's youth as a larvae under water. When the time is right it leaves the pond to become a beautiful dragon fly. For this priveledge, it cannot return to the pond, nor communicate that it has attained a higher existence. the other larvae will simply see that one of their ilk has gone.

    I would say no to communication based purley on the precept that a soul is an ethereal presence, with no means of communication except by that provided by the body it inherits. When the body dies, the soul is homeless and must itself fade. We are not cars.

    How's that?

  13. They're dead, how can you contact them?

    Althought Ghosts do appear to be "real-ish"... even if they don't exist, can anything explain how ghostly things happen?

  14. Ouija board can be used to contact the dead although this can be very dangerous. If you are going to attempt to use one make sure you do your research first and have someone who knows what they are doing use it with you. Also have some kind of spiritual protection. A seance can also be used to contact the dead. They can contact us in many ways. Sometimes in ghostly apparitions,sometimes they leave little signs and sometimes they even speak to us.

  15. dead people dont exist

  16. I would suppose, if you are predisposed to believe in the afterlife, you would be more likely to have a spirit contact you. Otherwise your brain would just find excuses why, something considered paranormal by others, is occurring. Can you really contact the dead, I should think only if they want to be contacted. Should you pursue contacting the dead, I dont think this is a good use of your time here on Earth. You shouldnt obsess about the dead, you are here now and living, this is not a rehearsal for a better life. The dead will take care of themselves. And after all, all of us will take that final journey at some point. Anyway, here is a cool website with paranromal stuff on it. You might enjoy it

  17. It is not possible

  18. No, and they don't.

  19. certainly yes. just go into any funeral parlour, reach out and touch one of the cadavers. they dont try to contact us, one of the charachteristics of dead people is that their senses, touch etc, are severely curtailed by the act of dying.

  20. You ask if it's possible.Then say don't say no.You're not asking a question just looking for directions.OK,here's one good way.The dead appear to many people while they're in bed.Either before sleep or waking.So,read a ghost story or watch a movie.Think of a dead relative or friend.Then stay up for as long as possible.Get in bed and will yourself not to sleep.I'm not sure it will work but you'll be primed for a ghostly visit.

  21. I can only give you my humble opinion.  I have no experience with ouija boards nor anything like that and I don't want any.   I believe the bible when it says, "It is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment."  To me this means that God does not lose track of human souls.  Uncle Joe, for instance, is where God put him.  A place of reward or punishment.  If something supernatural does occur, and there is a spirit claiming to be uncle Joe, then it is a demonic spirit interacting with the people at the seance.  Stay away from that stuff, because it opens you up to demonic influences in your life.  Sometimes, in a prayer to God, I'll ask Him if He could tell my grandparents hello for me and that I miss them, but that's as far as I take communicating with the dead.

  22. Ouija Board! they work, but i'm not recommending it. bad things will happen. er.. they might.

  23. Yes!

    I have touched a dead person so I know it can be done. He was in a casket at the funeral home.

    There was an old guy on the subway who died and fell over onto the lady sitting beside him. She was contacted by the dead.

  24. No - they're dead.

    When someone is dead ....errr that's it, they can't do anything as they no longer exist.

  25. They use a call centre based in India, they phone up and leave subliminal messages like "you need double glazing", "have you ever wanted free broadband?", "does your money work hard enough for you?".  I get really freaked out by it all.....

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