
Is it really possible to put a curse on someone?

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Is it really possible to put a curse on someone?




  1. No, it's just a very old superstition.

  2. The ghetto626 is correct I believe.

    You get what you give, later than you give, much more than you give.

  3. Out of the mouth proceeds blessings and Cursings ......James 3:10. Yes you can curse people by speaking against them and you will be accountable for it, for the bible says it will fall on the heads of those who sent it. be careful.

  4. Yes you can, but it wont do anything to the person you curse.

    The only person who will get hurt is the person who casts the curse, as the hatred in that persons heart is so great that they would want to bring harm upon another person.

    Jesus Christ said in Matt.5 that one who hates his fellow man has committed murder in his heart, and therefore is a murderer in Gods eyes.

    Don't hate on people. There is nothing magical here.

  5. Sure if they believe you did.

  6. If you believe in the stuff. I have a Wiccan friend who says she can enchant things.

  7. I just tried it on you. If it works you should be starting seeing tiny winged monkeys coming out your PC speakers about now.  If it goes according to plan they should be singing excerpts from La Traviata. Let me know how it works out.


    Eek - Its just like those other guys say- it came back on me, but 10 times worse. They sang Celine Dion!

  8. The mind is a powerful thing.  If you believe in the validity of Black magic, you can be affected by it because you have given it credence with your thoughts.  Why do you think someone has to see a voodoo doll before it can work? So you can give it your "mind energy"! This is what I was taught, but I am a christian and we do not believe that anything is more powerful than GOD is.

  9. yes but what ever you do to another person its gonna come back to you ten times worse!!! so dont try it!!!

  10. Yes, under the context that it takes a minimum of two people to believe this.It could also be called the "self-fulfilling prophesy". I once had a college Psychology professor demonstrate this with another of my professors.The particular professor in mind, had a widely known reputation for never having missed a day of work in fifteen years.The Psychology Professor chose 5 students sharing the other professor's class and picked a day to "curse" that professor.The students were instructed to inform the other professor, he looked very sick,including the symptoms he should have. Needless to say, before his last class of the day, he was feeling so bad,including the instructed symptoms , he decided to cancel the last class and went home.NOTE: On the average, it takes a repetition of the desired outcome  of three times before another person changes a thought on the matter. Bottom line, if you believe it is possible/not possible, you will always be right.Visit, my website.

  11. Only if they believe that you put the curse on them.

  12. Yes, but be careful.  The curse has to be truly justified, and you have to make sure you do it JUST RIGHT so that what you want to happen actually happens and not something similar but not exactly what you wanted.

  13. I absolutely believe so!  It happened to me & I didn't even realize it until recently, 5 years after the fact.  If you want to talk to me in greater detail please feel free to email me.  I'm actually in the middle of reversing my curse.  I would never do harm to anyone but I'm just trying to cast off all evil around me, remove any blockages, and have it all go back to where it came from.  This did come from a very evil person that I never did anything to.  Just someone I used to work with that was apparently jealous of me.  I absolutely believe she believed she was cursing me & a few other employees & I believe I fell victim to it b/c I didn't believe & I left myself vulnerable & open to negativity.  Now that I've figured this all out & I've put an end to it (which I believe I have) we'll just have to wait & see if it all goes back to her.  It's the Wiccan Rede, it's Karma.  She will get hers b/c she has an evil heart.  I have a loving heart so it will all haunt her at least 3 fold.  (If you believe someone you know or yourself has been cursed, please see some of my latest Questions.)  You can reverse it, JUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF & HARM NO ONE IN THE PROCESS!  People do get what they put out & something very horrible is going to happen to the person who cursed me.  I'm not wishing her ill luck but she only did this to herself.  It's taken 5 years but karma doesn't happen overnight.

  14. Yes, except they tend to backfire if not performed properly. Do not attempt to cast one yourself - you can unleash potential harm if you are not protected.

    Dabbling in the arts is not wise, you have to be fully immersed in the culture in order to understand the forces you will be dealing with.

    It is the same as lighting a match with your body soaked in gasoline - not advisable.

  15. Yes, it called "brujeria", "curandismo" in Spanish.  A curse requires the use of a supernatural power base.  The base comes, not from the Perfect One, but from It.  The person receiving the curse must believe it can happen, because they have "Good" power to deny or resist it. That is why exorcism exist in the Catholic Church, because a person may become possessed.  Those becoming cursed may return the curse to the one who cursed him/her.  It give me chills to think that you are thinking about this reality.  Beware imperfect one, you are playing with fire!

  16. Of course it's possible just like praying for someone is possible. If the curse, hex, bad ju ju or whatever will have any effect on the person is another question and the answer is that nobody knows. Certainly if the person is aware of the curse and they share your belief system then they could create a self fulfilling prophecy with negative versus positive thinking.

    However, if they are unaware or don't share your belief system then the question remains unanswered.

    While there have been studies on the power of positive thinking, collective thinking and prayer (see below) I am unaware of any controlled studies on the efficacy of curses. This is largely due to professionals following a code of ethics that include a due no harm passage.

  17. Yes it is very possible.  All you need to do is say, "I curse you."

    The only way it's going to work is if the other person is aware of it though.

  18. No, unless they believe it and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Usually it is a way to create fear or exploit the superstitious to make money from them.

    Some people claiming to be gifted in magic or witchcraft set up business to exploit fears, in order to profit from the superstitious and gullible...they'll claim to offer cures for curses.

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