
Is it really reading my mind!!??

by  |  earlier

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1. think about a two digit number for exam 75

2. add the two digit number then minus them from the original number 75 - (5 7)

then find your result in the table and memorize the picture then click in the eye and you'll see your number picture...

it's like reading mind or some thing

srry about the bad translation




  1. The key to this trick is what happens when you subtract the sum of the digits in a two-digit number from that number.  You always get 9 times the first digit.  For example, take 78.  9 times 7 is 63.  Now let's solve it per the website.  78 - (8+7) = 63.  Here's the proof of this, with x being the first digit, y being the second, and a being the result:




    Now that you know that, you also know that ANY number you pick in the first row (the 90s) will result in 9*9, or 81.  Any from the second row will result in 8*9, or 72.  And so on.

    So, no matter what number you pick, the only results that matter are 81,72,63,54,45,36,27,18 and 9.

    Go back to the website and take a look at the symbols for those multiples of 9.  They're always the SAME.  The symbol changes with each new game, but those 9 numbers will always have the same symbol.

    So, the website knows your symbol before you do anything.  No magic there, just a little bit of math.


  2. No it is not reading the mind ... i know it before and i know what is the secret is very simple but it is kinda trick

  3. lol idk but it got mine right

  4. no it only worked for me once... if it really was "reading your mind" it should probably get it right every time!

  5. no its not reading your mind. It is really easy to find out just search it on google or something and you'll find it out eventually

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