
Is it really sexism or is it because she's a conservative?

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“How dare they question whether Palin will have enough time to spend with her children while vice president? When do they ever ask a man that question?” A quote from Giuliani last night. Additionally, he brought up a point that if she were a democract, the feminists would be up in arms defending Palin against the personal attacks toward her and her family. So is it because she's a woman or is it because she's a conservative - or both?

And for clarity - I'm not talking about the attacks on her policies - those attacks are legit in my view. I'm talking about the attacks about her ability to parent her children while being a VP and the attacks calling her and her teenage daughter a w***e, among other attacks.




  1. I do have to agree. If she were a man this would not be coming up. My issue is her policies which you are not talking about here.

    For your issue I think the fact that her youngest is a downs child might be brought up even if she were a man because these children are very high maintenance especially while young and usually take a lot of care from both parents. I know it can be done since she will most likely hire a nanny to help care for her youngest. I do wonder if that is in the best interest of the child though. If her youngest was a "normal" child (I say that for a better lack of terms) I would have no concerns. Her husband would most likely do what most Second Ladies do, take care of the children, and do the duties of the Second Husband in his case. I do not believe that most first or second ladies continue working the same job before their husbands were voted into office, since the position as the spouse of the president and VP are jobs in themselves and come with a lot of duties and responsibilities.

    I do believe families should be left out of the politics of campaigns. Family members are not running for office and should be off limits.

  2. Parents have an influence on their children.  However they cannot control 100% their actions.  Edward B your answer shows that you have no clue in child rearing.  I have a 13 year old daughter and I can teach her values all day long, but when she is with her friends I cannot control her and I am sure some day she will make a bad decision.  But that is part of life.  

    Some of the worst kids that I knew came from the best families and many of them where children of Sheriff's and politicians.  

    I think the real scrutiney that Palin is under is because she is a successful, attractive, and conservative woman with what most people would consider a large family.  5 children is unheard of these days.  

    Liberals wants to attack her saying that she does not have enough time to raise the kids.  What about the dad?  Doesn't he play a part here?  If she is elected VP, I highly doubt he will be working in the Oil Fields or on a fishing boat.  If she was a man, I highly doubt if that would have been said.

    When Joe Biden's wife and one child were killed in a car accident, the liberals encouraged him to take his oath of office. He did so at the bed side of one of his children.  Where were the critics saying that he should drop out of politics to take care of his surviving children?  

  3. Well... it's obvious that she didn't have time to take care of her daughter while she was Governor, her daughter is pregnant.

    Not with the responsibilities of VP when will she have time to take care of her family?  What about bonding with her newborn?  All we see is her daughter holding the baby.  Have we seen any photos of Sarah holding her baby?

    But to be honest, the attacks on Palen isn't about sexism it's about her conservative views that's she's trying to force down our throats.  Obviously, they don't work (her daughter is pregnant) and she doesn't follow them...  I don't like Palin because she's a hypocrite and an opportunist.  Pushing her family into the background for political gains.

    Finally, we are all these Republican women (and men) complaining about sexism?  I thought sexism didn't exist in your minds.  It's something all made up by liberals and Democrats.

  4. You know what, my whole problem with what Giuliani said(and lied about, because he told some lies) was that who is the "they" he's talking about.  I have YET to hear Obama or anyone associated with his campaign say anything about her not being able to lead because she's a Mom.  They question HER foreign policy experience(she has none, not ok for Obama but somehow OK for McCain's VP) and the media is "crossing the line".  Yet Giuliani, in a very childish way(I was SO surprised to see so many 50 something year olds laughing at him) mocked and insulted him  so that anybody with half a brain would think that he's talking about Obama.  The RNC has shown me what a bunch of self serving hypocrites they are.  Trying to scare people isn't going to win you an election.

  5. Why change her parenting ways now ! She obviously didn't know or had no clue or no communications with her daughter otherwise she would have known or at least had some clue as to what her daughter had been doing ! That in itself proves Palin isn't doing her job as a parent !

    The question should have been who'll be caring for her infant son with Down's Syndrome ! These kids need a lot of interactivity and as a person in a job that's basically 24/7, Palin doesn't and wouldn't have time to care for her son !

    I assume she also gave her daughter that I don't believe in abortion-birth control-abstinence speech and her daughter took it literally !

    If the Obama's had a pregnant teen daughter, the Republicans would eat them alive with criticism and you guys know it. Heck they would be the poster parents for bad parenting everywhere !

  6. To be fair, most of the men who are elected to public office at this level (and most of the women for that matter) don't have 4 month old special needs children at home.

    I have a family member who has a special needs child. Raising him is a full time job in and of itself. Add to that her other 4 children (albeit two of them are already pretty much "raised") and you've got to wonder who it is exactly that will be caring for these children, because she surely will not have the time. Hope her husband does.

    As far as calling her daughter a w***e, that is completely out of line, I agree with you there. However, you've got to wonder about the parenting skills of an individual who seems pleased as can be that the aforementioned teen aged child is getting married. And to a boy of the same age who wrote on his myspace page that he "doesn't want kids". How is this in the best interests of either the teenaged daughter in question *or* just as importantly of said teenager's unborn child? What kind of a father is this boy going to be? Will he end up resenting the responsibility of having a family at such a young age?

    Then again, maybe it won't be so much responsibility at all. Maybe Bristol will just drop the baby off at the nursery with Piper and Trig to be tended to by the nannies when she's got something important to do, like getting her nails done.  

  7. Its because she is a republican which is the problem.  why is it okay to make sexist remarks from the left when you dont agree with their policies.

    heres a good article from a democratic strategist that explains this pretty well. (shes not to happy her party is engaging in this manner)

  8. When a 17 year old girl gets knocked up by a drop out, I question both Parents ability.

    And that still misses the point, Palin has made a living by forcing her beliefs on other people, by stating that SHE is the moral superior that others should bow down to, but when you take a closer look the whole house of cards falls.

  9. you are the type of person that is difficult to speak with, you are correct about what you say here, however, have you been around politics long enough to understand that a story gets out, usually of course by the press and people beat it to death, they say foolish things or word find a way to be put in their mouths for them, i am a respectable family man that has always treated women on a equal basis, i went through my work years when thye first showed up on the scene, i have nothing against most of them, the only ones that i have issue with are the few that come of too strong ALWAYS, that's the key word here.. i want to re-state here that that statement about her is completely wrong it is stated by the ignorant, but try to remember it was first publicly stated by a republican analyst..........

    i spend most time out of the country, i have many fiends away from in in foreign lands, many of them are 3rd world, i love life and people, i am white but many of my friends are both black and females.. i get so tired of this's ignorance rearing it's ugly head, to be honest there is also all this talk about racism, along with sexism.. i could puke....when this election got started i was one never to see color, but leave it to the media and other to keep pounding that in our heads about Obama being black, and along side it was that of course Clinton being female... it's like walking on egg shells, you have to watch every word you say, i am speaking of the majority of people that are not racist or sexist... people are just to quick to jump these days, i would not want to bring back the "good old days" however, right or wrong people said what they said and meant it... i watch how Obama had to walk a tight rope in dealing with running againg Clinton, and every he had to do it with a brick on his back being that he is black, honestly my friend i live my life in a peaceful manner  and try hard to make a positive nitch, but at times like tnhis i wish just for once we could clear the air and throw off the gloves and not tip toes around issues. have a nice day.

  10. Probably more because she is a conservative. They point out McCain's past friendships as being terrible, but when you bring up Obama's past friendships, wait acquaintances, wait who are you talking about, no one seems to notice.  

  11. I feel it's probably a bit of both. Those that are coming from the women out there are definitely because she's a Conservative, but some are definitely because she's a woman.  

  12. i think is because sexism, i just hope we have a woman in office

  13. It's pure sexism politics for the democrats.  They look at her and see a winner.  They never saw this train coming and know they are involved in a train wreck of their own doing.  They had Hillary, and she wins easily, they cut and run her off, to go with Obama, now the outcome is anything but assured.  They are in complete desperation, and attacking blindly and failing miserably.

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